
Question 4 married women?

by  |  earlier

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How would u feel if ur husband promise 2 take u out

somewhere n he last mins changed his mind 2 attend

his company dinner instead. will u get angry?




  1. No...I would understand and you and he can go out another time, especially if he HAD to attend the company dinner. Really...he should not have waited til the last minute to tell you but....if you love him, you will stand by your man./

  2. That is a tricky one.  If it isn't like him to usually do that, I would probably stick out my bottom lip and make him promise to make it up to me; maybe something at work was more important.  However, if he made this a usual occurence, I would be upset woman.

  3. Even when we were still dating, he will tell me way before the actual dinner. But if he really needs to go for that company dinner, no, I will not get angry. Why should I?

  4. Would probably be upset but I would just deal with it and attend the dinner with him.  Oh yeah, I would wear my best outfit too! LOL

  5. no, i won't, husband may also be in real need to go on company dinner, why it is so important to go out in any case. This relationship is too much more than that, small issues create a major trouble later, so it is better not to create issue on such small things

  6. Yes

    But you have to think about it because its has company dinner not his girl friends dinnes?

    be good to him he will do the best.

  7. I would be angry because he should've mentioned the company dinner before he ever made plans to do something with me. Besides, maybe he has to attend the company dinner, but he can take his wife along with him.

  8. yes but you need to understand its for work

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