
Question Below..?

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A Boeing 727-200 jet taking off from Lansing airport accelerates from rest for 31.0 s before leaving the ground. Its acceleration is 2.23 m/s2.

Assuming that the acceleration is constant, calculate the plane's speed at take off.

What is the take off speed in mi/hr?




  1. 31.0s x 2.23 m/s/s=69.13m/s

    convert from m/s to mph

    69.13m/s x 3600s/hour x 1609.34meters/mile=154.63mph

    What class is this for?  You really should do your own homework.   Your profile shows you asked the max Q's for the day.

  2. Vr calcuated for GTOW for given pressure altitude. Airspeed is indicated, so actual ground speed is irrevaelant, also a b-727 does not measure speed by MPH, it is measured in KTAS, or Mach numbers when in cruise. Do your own physics homework.

  3. Here, at = v, so [(2.23m/s)/s]31.0s ≈ 69.1m/s.



    (hr/60min)] ≈ 155mi/hr.

  4. A loaded 727-200 at average weight in normal conditions requires several things......V1, V2, then rotation, which comes at about 155 KTAS

  5. You don't cover Gross Weight, temperature, etc.

    So, I am going to say 154 Miles per hour.  That will change, however, based on the other variables not listed.

    Check out this page for some interesting info on the 727-200:
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