
Question? Canada? become an citizin?

by Guest32680  |  earlier

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How do you becom an citizin of canada and how can you move there




  1. Don't bother becoming a "citizen" of anywhere unless you can spell the word!  


    read the process at the immig site

  3. You will not be eligible for Canadian citizenship until after 3-5 years of legal residence in Canada.  There are a few different ways to obtain legal residence such as through a family member or spouse or as a skilled worker.  You must qualify to gain residence in Canada and it is a somewhat lengthy process.

    The CIC website will help answer your questions and show you the eligibility of each visa.

    Good Luck!  

  4. You move to Canada by getting a job offer and applying for a work permit.  If you want to stay, you have to make sure that your job will allow you to apply for permanent resident status.  Check out

    The different provinces have different professions on their wish lists that they need people from.  If you don't have a lot of education or special job skills, look at BC and Alberta programs because they also offer semi-skilled jobs.  Once you are in, it will take you less than a year to get permanent resident status and after 3 years in Canada as a PR, you can apply for citizenship.

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