
Question? Everyone pls help guys too?

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Need advice my boyfriend and I have been together 15 months and we rent together, we fight alot due to my insecurities, he does tell me all the time that he loves me and he literally cries when we fight cos he feels he cant handle fighting and loves to do anything to make me happy and smile.

He says im the one he wants to grow old with as he has never felt this with anyone before.

He sticks by me even though I accuse him of stuff and I get extremely jealous too

Does this sound like real love?

He said the only way he will give up is if he knows he has done everything to make it work and I cant see that.

Pls advice??????

He also is affectionate to me in front of mates sometimes and family.

He says im all he has ever wanted and he occasionely msgs me during the day to just say he misses me and loves me

He doesnt give up on me at all and we fight pretty bad cos im insecure not sure if this is what love would be like pls give me honest opinions?




  1. That is pretty sweet from your boyfriend. My fiance is like that (although I'm not insecure), and we are getting married in a month's time!

    Start believing him, and I'm guessing you might be insecure because of previous experiences with other people. Remember, he is not them. Judge him for who he is. Observe how he treats his family and friends as well (not just how he treats you), and you should be able to tell whether it's genuine or not.

  2. yeah, but work on your insecurities, he wont put up with that c**p forever.

  3. yea luv struck =]

  4. If its real, you just know it. You wouldn't really question it.

    Apart from this, couples do have hard times and the love is what see's you through to the other end.

    I think he loves you more than you love him.

  5. You know what? This sounds similar to my relationship except the bf is the one who is insecure.  We have been together 18 months.  I'll give you some advice.  Don't stress yourself out wondering if this is love or not/ if it is how love should be or not.  Just cruise along, enjoy the good times in your relationship and move on from the bad ones.  Putting it into perspective, 15 months is not a long time to have been with someone - too early for marriage too.  So just go with the flow and everything should work out for the best.

  6. You need to go visit a counsellor or something, and stop posting hundreds of questions on Yahoo about your relationship sweetie.

    The people here are not going to be able to help you - we don't know you, or your boyfriend. We don't know thats happening in your life or the intricacies of your relationship.

    Someone who can help you is a counsellor, which are free at your local community health centre.

    Please go and get some help, you are obviously really struggling.

  7. Sorry but i think you need to get yourself some help.

    Get yourself some self confidence.

    For a start you got a man that sounds like he loves you be grateful for what you got. Learn to love yourself, you can only love someone else when you love yourself...

  8. i am going to give it to you are lucky to have him..grow up a bit..

  9. He sounds like a good guy, and he loves you and the only reason ur so insecure is because u love him so much other wise you would have left him, and maybe past boyfriends screwed up and now your just scared to let yourself out there to love! But i don't know where your gonna find another guy like this so don't give up!

  10. no

    we already told you


    are you just gonna keep asking until somebody lies to you and says YES ITS TRUE LOVE

    If you thought it was real you wouldnt keep asking

  11. It sounds like your boyfriend loves you and does everything to show you he does.If he is not giving you a reason to be jealous then you need to deal with your insecurities and STOP fighting with this poor guy. Loving someone is about trust and doing things for and with them to make them happy. Yelling and screaming at someone all the time is not showing them that you love them. Treat your partner the way you want to be treated. ( If that is: To be spoken to politely, treated with respect, been shown compassion, understanding, patience, trust) then that is the way to go. You will both be so much happier. GOOD LUCK

  12. Yes, it's love, but from my personal experience .. if you don't stop your insecurities he'll get closer to his limit. Eventually he'll give you ultimatum. It doesn't mean that he'll stop loving you, but as time goes he'll listen to his logic more to not staying in a relationship that would bring his emotion down all the time. You can't expect him to be your rock all the time, put yourself in his shoes. No one wants to be in a co-dependent relationship.

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