
Question: Whatever happened to Elian Gonzalez?

by  |  earlier

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So I woke up this morning with that question on my mind! It was funny so I said I have to remember to ask on here.. can anyone tell me....




  1. honestly?  I think i read somewhere hes like older and supposedly dont like america...dont know if thats true about our land of milk and hunny...

    hes with i think his dad and ole feedell there making him say stuff im sure he didnt want to say...i agree they shud have kept him but placed him with a WAAY better smarter family member..

  2. He was forced to go back to Cuba,.......end of story.

  3. Elian is now 14 years old and lives with his father and half-brother in the Cuban town of Cardenas. There has been, unsurprisingly, very little info about him over the last eight years.

    In 2005, 60 minutes did an interview with him, BBC News did a short article on him in 2006 and Wikipedia has an entry about Elian but otherwise he's become just another footnote in history.

    The reason I say it's unsurprising that there little news is because the U.S. government would rather we forget this travesty and, of course, Cuba isn't exactly known for it's freedom of speech.

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