I had my daughter a week ago, and have always wanted to breastfeed. However, she was born 12 weeks early, so all I can do is pump for her. Well I thought I was doing okay, and then I talked to a nurse and she wanted me to pump every 3 hours. I wasn't doing that before, maybe 3 times a day. And I would get a bit of milk when I did it. Now I'm trying to pump every 3-4 hours(I'm not always somewhere where I can pump right at 3 hours) and it seems like I'm not getting anything. Is that okay? Will I get more? How soon until I am able to fill up a bottle or something, and they are small bottles I'm trying to fill!! Not big ones!!
Anyway - - If I just keep going every 3 hours, or close, will I start to get more?? Thanks!