
Question about Canada???

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Well i am a quarter Canadian my grandma is from there and i still have family there. I was born and raised in the USA. Well I am 16. I am going to Canada to visit my relatives. I was wonder what do you love about it the most? I have always wondered about my roots and stuff and my gram doesnt really talk about it much.




  1. One huge difference between the two countries - we do not carry guns everywhere we go. In fact, our gun laws are pretty strict which is good. Very few people get shot - it does happen occasionally but not by ordinary citizens because they heard a noise outside or by kids who found daddy's gun and played themselves to death with it. Drug dealers and gang members sometimes get their hands on illegal guns. There was a guy in the forum a few nights ago and he sort of left in a huff because we all told him to keep his gun on that side of the border. He wanted to bring it up here for protection! What part of Canada are you going to visit? Where ever you go, I think you will find your Canadian roots are attached to peace loving people. enjoy!

  2. Peace, order and good government.  Wheras the U.S. constitution promises life, liberty and the persuit of happiness, ours promises peace, order, and good government.  I think that says a lot about the differences.  

    I have travelled throughout the US over the past 5 years, and found that Canadians and Americans are very similar.  Except for politics.

  3. Canada...

    its a heck of a place XD Your canadian roots will probably be more based on your original heritage, whether it be polish, african or italian. If you are going to eastern canada, (like montreal and further) then there is more "Canadian" culture. Beer, poutine, french onion soup, maple syrup kind of canada. Honestly, canada isnt a whole lot different than the states, maybe cleaner, maybe frendlier, but not a huge change. Dont worry about it :)


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