
Question about Dollywood!!!?

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I'm thinking about taking my niece and nephew next weekend but I don't know what to expect as far as the crowd. Are the weekends really crowded in September? Also, I was wondering about the size restrictions on the Thunderhead. I've been told they will turn people away if they don't fit. I'll admit, I'm a big girl.. about 200lb, 5'8" and I would be embarrassed if I was told I couldn't ride!




  1. what is dollywood?  

  2. Uh as far as crowds go, they really don't get too overcrowded, and you must be at least 48 inches tall to ride Thunderhead. Also if you're worried about Thunderhead then you must at least be able to wear the seat belt and have the lap bar lock. I'm sorry I don't know any exact measurements but there is an example seat before the line starts. Hopefully you, your niece and nephew have a great time! :D I did, it's a nice vacation spot for a family.

  3. Labor Day weekend was not too crowded actually.  I was there Saturday AND Sunday and there were very few lines at all.  The first weekend of September starts the BBQ and Bluegrass festival and it may be a little more crowded that first weekend,   In all honesty though, most people have kids that are back in school and most vacations are over, so it should be smooth sailing from here until mid December!  

    Also, you may want to take them back beginning Nov. 8.  They will have their x-mas lights but more exciting for my kids is the Polar Express motion ride that will be in 5D.  This means there will be a 3D movies but you will move with the movie AND smell smells and feel the cold and such.  Super cool.

    You shouldn't have a problem riding thunderhead at all. My husband is the same height as you and rides 4 or 5 times when we go. The other answerer is right, the roller coaters and some of the other rides have seats out before the line so you can try it out before standing in line. You need to ride the other roller coasters as well, although I love Thunderhead!

  4. Labor Day weekend will be busy, but after that, crowds won't be bad.

    I think you will fit, but if you cannot fit safely they may turn you away.  You can keep an eye on the other people in line and see if they can ride, and you can whisper to an attendant when you get to the front.  If they won't let you ride, just get your relatives loaded and walk to the exit as if you just intended to do that all along.

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