
Question about Early Years Nursery Grant...?

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Does anyone know exactly how much this is??

Ie: If you pay £30 per day to send your child to Nursery how much does the Grant reduce this by?




  1. it all depends what area of the country you are in.  In essex we receive £8.74 that covers 2 1/2 hours.

    It doens't matter about the amount they receive, the grant they receive covers 2 1/2hours so they have to reduce your hours you take for your child by 2 1/2.

    ie if he goes to school for 5 hours a day you only pay for 2 1/2.  If they are asking you to top up your fees for those 2 1/2 you are grant funded for it is illegal and you should report them to your LEA

  2. were i work its £8 a day, but it depends on ur nursery.

  3. It's £12.50 per week, apparently

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