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How long is a reasonable time to give someone to pick an item up before relisting it?




  1. i'd reckon a day, although i always try to get a phone number for someone when giving things, and organize collection by phone - that way you can contact them asap if they don't turn up when they said they would

  2. I'm a former owner of a freecycle group. If you have made a agreement for them to come and pick it up and they have not showed up or got in touch with you..go back to the group and repost it and also say your reposting it as the person didn't show up and you heard nothing all day. Now if some one esl comes forward and wants the item..tell them in the has to be picked up today as you have a few things to do..but they don't need to know it that is true or that is your business. It just makes sure they pick it up and you don't have to wait all day..word or warning..don't have them come to your home..this is a number one them in a shopping mall where it is safer in case anything happens to you..another rule don't give them your phone number as people can use it to threaten you if they didn't get what they wanted from I don't know if you have..but it's not a good idea..ask the person in question what they are wearing so you have a idea who to watch out for. It is best to have a friend go with you. and the last thing..wait till they are gone out of site..cause they can follow you home.

    I hope this helps. the rules I have posted here is there rules of the freecycle

  3. I always give the benefit of a full 2 days.  When I do make the intial arrangements, I always add a comment like, "Please understand my time is valuable, as is yours.  If you can't make it at (12:30) please give me a quick call so we can make another time arrangement".    After 2 full days, I send an email stating the item will be relisted if I do not hear back from them with the them next 2 hours.    That's been my standard policy, and no problems!
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