
Question about IUD?

by  |  earlier

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I have had my Mierina IUD in for 7 months now.After I got it put in my periods were light and lasted about 3 days. In april of 08 my period was heavy and lasted 7 days. I went to the doctors the first week of may cause I was worried. She did a blood test and I was not pregnant. She said if my next period was diffrent then come back. Well my next one was the same but I did not want to go back. So now in June I started my period on the 20th and bleed heavier then usual for 7 days I also had some blood clots as well. It stopped on the 26th and then today the 28th I had really bad cramps, I just went to the bathroom and wiped and there was blood again! I looked in the toliet and there was a blood clot. I dont know what is going on. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or has been throgh this please help! Thank you




  1. If i were you i would go to the doctor ASAP and get it removed. blood clots in nit a good sign.

    you can anemia if you continue like that. I had the regulat copper IUD and i became sooo skinny and losta  lot of blood so i had it removed. Mirena is supposed to make you period light.

    good luck

  2. I have the Mirena IUD and have had some irregular periods too. I used to have 3-4 day medium periods, and now i have 7 day or so lighter periods. They are never on time and will start and stop normally. I am not sure about the clotting, but the random bleeding happens to me too. You should not have to go to the doctor, you should be able to call the nurse and they can help over the phone. I know cysts are a common side effect (i had one that burst and it caused really bad cramps. They are not dangerous according to my doc.)
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