
Question about Irish interiors?

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I have noticed that when traveling in Ireland, just about all the hotel rooms I have been in (as well as many restaurant interiors) are painted yellow. Is there a reason for this choice of color? Is there a meaning behind it, or is it just a popular color selection?




  1. A bright colour reflects light, no all are yellow, The same chains of hotels use satandardisation ie all the same to keep costs to a minimum. Some chains of hotels in ireland dont have the same name.

  2. I would imagine that its because of the Ireland is usually overcast and cloudy they might be trying to bring a bit of Sunshine into your room,

    This is the only reason I can think of..I could be wrong...but I have to say i never noticed!

  3. the walls aren't yellow, they were originally white, we don't get around to painting very often over here hhahahahaha

    if by yellow, you may be referring to the shade of  cream/beige coloured paint called  magnolia, which is the cheapest colour available in paint, and most places are painted in it, because it's a warmer colour than white, and the cheaper option

    but then again, I have seen many places painted yellow too, maybe its just a popular colour

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