
Question about Islam and dating..??

by  |  earlier

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I'm a muslim girl, and have been born and brought up in the UK. My question is that in Islam dating is haram and young girls and boys shouldn't go out or date. A lot of muslim people say "wait till your old enough and you will find the right person." I don't understand how this is possible without dating to see whether the person is the right one for you. Also is it wrong to meet a guy and fall in love in Islam without having s*x, or physically touching etc. Just by meeting a member of the opposite s*x and talking, getting to know eachother, falling in love leading to marriage, is this haram?

Thanks in advance to whoever answers.




  1. Do you have trust in Allah? Do you trust he will keep you safe and find you a legitamate partner? Dating is forbidden, Uneccessary conversations withboys are aided by satan...

    Its a very narrow mind-set if you think dating is the only way to get to know a person. Islam isnt here to make your life miserable its a set of guidelines to HELP you stay clear of the h**l-fire! Trust Allah that you will find someone without dating!

    And If you see someone you like all you really have to do is let your parents know you are intrested in him. Intrested doesnt mean "I want to marry him" Intrested means Intrested in getting to know him beter. Surely, your parents know you and love you and will not tell you to stop day dreaming about boys!

    Sorry If I sound harsh. Its How I see things. Salam.

  2. Dating is Haram in islam

  3. Im also a Muslim....

    Two things Id like to say:

    Firstly, There is a difference between dating and courting. Courting is not Haraam...If you can sufficiently strike a balance..then you're set!

    Secondly, No, Meeting other people and talking to them is not HARAAM...If it was, then id say that almost the entire Islamic race would be guilty of it!

    DO not think of this as a burden, but rather a priviledge!

    To find Love, true love with someone who there has been no physical contact with, is something very few people can say that they are able to achieve. Trues Love supercedes the physical.

    Do not feel that "not being able to date" is a burden...and do not feel that you are being held back by your religion. Rather do what you see bets at the time, whether it is dating, or whatever else! Allah is a forgiving God! He shall not disown you, if you search for true love, even if it isnt in the conventional Islamic Sense!

    Now, dont get me wrong, Im not propogating you to date/or whatever else! Im merely suggesting that you not feel that it is a burden!


  4. i thought the same when i reverted to islam but i asked allah to find some one for me and he did alhumdullilah, my family is not muslim so we did start talking  and then we got married in a few months . i reverted when i was 16 and married at 17  now i am 21 happily married with a baby boy.  i know it may not have been right what i did talking to him but there was no other way since i was the only muslim in my family and i really had no muslim friends around . allah knows my intention. but if you have a muslim family maybe they can find you a spouse and get to meet him with parents around

  5. Dating, pre-martial s*x or even just being friends or talking to the opposite s*x is haram so in Islam before you can touch and have s*x you have to be married.

    I agree with you without dating its impossible to find the right person if you ask me if its right to date or not I say its absolutely fine.If you think from a religious perspective then of course its haram but sometimes you have to think for yourself.

  6. sister inshallah u will find someone :)

    i understand what u mean i live in England are we ment to find husbands if we dnt talk to any males???? lol :) theres always the old fashioned way ha!

    i think its ok to talk to a guy. and maybe go on a date if u know that the guys intention is pure and he knows it isnt gona go anywhere at night (if u get me ;) )

    U cant touch/kiss ect until ur are married... so on the date as tempting as it may be dont do it. then if the feeling is mutual then ofcourse inshallah u will get married...then u can do ANYTHING u want! ;) lol

    and also flrting isnt allowed..i.e u shouldnt have a soft voice towards him like talking all s**y and quite if u understand wot im saying :)

    so inshallh u will find somone


  7. Well, I'm Muslim too. I have also been brought up in UK.

    Dating is indeed haram. However, our Prophet said that if you're gonna marry someone, you should look at them once to see if you like them. You can have conversations with your groom to be, BUT, with a mahram present. You see, one thing leads to another. You could do nikkah with a guy after talking with him about his likes and dislikes (in the presence of a mahram) and them talk, and fall in love WITHOUT touching. Then you'll have fallen in love in an Islamic manner.

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