
Question about Perth Australia?

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If Black Slaves were brought to Perth Australia in the 17th and 18th century along with the Europeans, would the Culture of Mississippi and Perth be almost the same?




  1. No....... And Perth is a much nicer place and easier to spell

  2. Fitz needs a history lesson.

    The count of rapists, murderers and animal molesters was quite high in the total of convicts transported to Australia. Very few with sent for the mythical 'loaf of bread'.

    The other group that could be considered near slave level were the pacific islanders that were enticed to the Queensland cane fields, then effectively kept at near slave conditions.

    To answer the original question, the circumstances are so different that WA could not have resembled in any way Mississippi.

  3. No black slaves were ever bought to Australia, only english prisoners.

  4. No, don't ever compare Mississippi with any other place on earth.

    Mississippi is such a precious, lovely, heavenly place.

    Mississippi is the most sacred place in the United States.

    Mississippi is the place that Black Folks and White Folks stood together and brought racism to it's knees.

    God Bless Mississippi.

  5. No Way! Perth is nothing like any horrible place in America. How can you compare such a place with with anywhere in America I'm very insulted you even thought it..

  6. White slaves were sent to the Colony of New South Wales. They were alleged to be convicts.

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