
Question about Women holding men?

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Why don't women ever hold men? I would love to be held, kissed on the forehead, have my hair petted by a significant other. I could do this for hours.

I would love to have that safe, protected , secure, warm feeling you get when being held and receiving affection. Men need this feeling just as much as women. Most men are just as fragile as women and express a similar amount of emotion these days.

Why is the norm for the man to hold the woman?

Women do you hold your man and how often compared to he holds you?




  1. Aw, I do and definantly would if you were my boy or if you were a bud that needed it...

    Many people like Blue B just have a stone age way of thinking. You are not a puss. Never let them make you think that. Many guys I know think the same way. I am a woman who likes to both comfort and protect, but also get those same things back. Just find a good woman like that.  

  2. I think it is because men are more "dominant" in social norms. They're the ones that are supposed to protect their woman, and make them feel secure. They're also not supposed to feel the need for affection.

    But that's all c**p, lol. That's cave man thinking right there.

    I guess you could say I "hold" my boyfriend sometimes..I play with his hair a lot. But I don't think he responds much because he doesn't want to look weird, by saying that he likes it.

  3. Sure I do!  My man likes to lie with his head on my lap while I stroke his hair.  When I hold my man it is a bit different than when he holds me.  His tends to be more protective while my embrace tends to be more for comforting. I don't know how to exactly explain the difference its just there.  

  4. i hold my hubby way mroe then he holds me

    the funny thing is

    niether of us are cuddly people and dont need a whole lot of that

    but he will play with my hair

    and when i get scared i stroke his bicep

    i think it depends on the personality of hte women

  5.    I do hold my husband and rub his shaved head and kiss his forehead and snuggle up behind him in the middle of the night and kiss his back.  But he is the only man I have ever been like that with, so maybe it just takes real true unquestionable love, because that is what I feel when I am with him.  

       My husband does show aalot of affection, but I know it is only to me.  To the rest of the world he's a hard ***.  A lot of men are like that and women don't always know how to respond to that.

  6. Humans need touch and many humans in modern countries are touch starved.  You are right, touch lowers our stress levels and probably our brains emit chemicals to further calm us.  Some of us need to be hugged more than others.  

    You are a romantic.  Some women are not and so don't touch/hug/hold.  There's nothing wrong with what you asked

    or want.  Try to find a lady who is a hugger.  Good luck!

  7. My girl has done it before I wouldnt say I felt protected, but cared for.

    I dont need it but its nice every once in a while but most time I do the holding.

  8. I think I touch/hold/caress,etc. my husband more than he does me. I'm just a very touchy person, and he is not so much. I have to remind him that I like those things also. I do wish he would do it more often.  

  9. i hold my boyfriend alot. but i think he holds me way more cos im smaller and he feels the need to protect me and make me feel safe and i let him think im helpless so he feels like a big man. but sometimes, i do hold him and play with his hair and stroke his face. he never says he likes it but he doesnt protest or move me away. :D

  10. I would love to do this to a man that I love, but I think the trick is to find a man that would really appreciate to have this done to him.  Most men, feel like they have to be the more "dominant" one and so should not have this done.  That in itself is such a sad thing, for the human touch is perhaps the ultimate expression of love.  =>

  11. Truthfully??? There are men's roles in relationships, and then there are women's roles. Making me feel safe and protected is a large part of what I look for in a man.  If the reverse is asked of me, it would make me feel like I was cuddling my child and that would be not so good for the relationship.  I don't mind providing security in the way of a mans ego, but that's about as far as I could go if I were to maintain my respect for him as a spouse.

  12. Dream on sucker.

  13. They just haven't foudn the right person. I hold my husband all the time.

  14. Ah does I am Curious W? want to get his widdle head stroked? cute.'s cuter than asking to get your wingwang stroked.  

  15. It is called the Law of Marital Physical Contact, which I just made up after consultation with a wise sage (my cat).

    I propose a reserch institute where cuddling can be refined and taught for all to enjoy, where even the most reticent of us can cop a feel, er feel the physical warmth of human companionship.


    In pretty much any relationship, it is generally the woman who sets the physical boundaries for any sort of touching.  There are some women who will do this for men, but many more women will demand cuddles from us.

    Also, in many instances of cuddling posture, it is easier for the larger person to do the cuddling, usually the male.

  16. its very normal for man to hold the woman. i always want to hold my bf hand.n pamper him but i forgot once he hold me..after your message i think i will be alert to hold him..i think all human are the same they want to be matter he or she..all are equal..

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