
Question about Womens Prisons.?

by  |  earlier

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Is it true that they don't serve bananas and hot dogs at womens prisons??

this is a SERIOUS question!!

my bf just told me this.




  1. it depends on the womens prison. the one in my home state serves bananas, but they are all mushed up and watered down. this way the women couldnt wrap items in the banana and swallow them requiring them to leave the prison and go to the hospital. the whole bananas started too many riots!!! go figure.....

    they don't serve hot dogs either, but it is not because they resemble anything. it is because there was a contaminated bunch years and years ago, and since then, they stopped serving them. they also used to only serve them with a slice of bread... no bun.

    For a while, cucumber sticks, carrot sticks and corn was banned too. they are now served as cut up ones.... they were being used as weapons!!! but the prison has their own garden, and they make the men come down from the mens prison a few towns over to tend to the gardens.... haha

  2. I heard it was zuchinni and cucumbers that weren't allowed, aren't hotdogs to skinny for enjoyment anyways, ah the trusted banana, they hit the right spot from what I hear and we wouldn't want someone suffering in prison to have that fun now would we. Prison is punishment.

  3. yes

  4. Cute question....LMAO

    I think its TRUE

  5. lol yep they dont serve banana or hot dog

    i heard that they only serve nasty chili


  6. However, they do serve d****s.

  7. This is funny, never thought about it and I dont know but here's my thoughts:

    Im almost certain in prisons the food has to stay in the mess if you cant take it to your cell to have a little fun, did they actally attempt molesting fruit in the mess hall? Talk about desperation.

    I Think your boyfriend is f-cking with you.....

  8. hahahaha. thats amazing. i have no idea

  9. never heard of it before

    Oh those poor women

    Wait- Do they cut off their fingers?

  10. I've heard this twice before. It makes sense though, but I feel bad for those inmates. They don't have ANYTHING to call on when they are desperate! lol

  11. ya itz troo

  12. omg that is hilarious it took me a minute to get it but they must have had some bad experiences with that

  13. ok besides giving ya another star thats a good question.... hmmm i wonder how many women raped other women with bananas and hot dogs before they took them off the lunch line HAhahaha

  14. I'm gonna write my cousin Lola she's been in the Pen for a year now.

    I'll send her a pack of Marlboro Reds.

    Don't know why but she's been asking me to send her the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

    very strange.

  15. star, star, star...

    no cucumbers either ;)

  16. Hey thats not fair! If I end up going to prison I wanna hot dog anf banana cuz I dont wanna be g*y :x

  17. yeah u get a star!! it is true.... funny but true...

  18. lol well tell your b/f to get an education. they do serve them in a womens prison cause they serve it in mens. and they would do the same sick thing with them as girls would so it doesnt matter. they serve it. stupid people.

  19. i have no clue funny question!

  20. LOL No clue, I woun't have even thought that!! :)

  21. What did you do???

    The Rat

  22. star cos this question made me lol!

    I spose it makes sense... in a really wierd way lol

  23. yes true....

  24. haahahah i know why! so they dont m********e! STAR 4 U!!

  25. wow i didnt kno that...but i suppose it makes sense!



  26. U get a STAR for a funny question!

  27. i have no clue but this is interesting...STAR!

  28. You get another star, that is funny...I can't find an answer on the internet...any prisoners or former prisoners who can help here?

    What couldn't they serve then in men's prisons?  Warm apple pie?

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