
Question about Yahoo Green....?

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I though Yahoo green was pretty lame because there is no forum to debate any of their hypotheses... they state everything on there like it is proven fact... when there is a huge debate going on over all of the Global warming "theories." while i think we deffinately need to get off of the archaiac fossil fuels.... it is really sad how the alarmists are pushing this whole "global warming scare." down our throats.... also, you cant even email anyone through Yahoo Green to replpy or comment or question any of their propaganda.... i have always liked yahoo best... but am affaid now that they are using their sight to promote extremist views... its off to google i go.... please enlighten me as to why i should stay with yahoo and put up with their mumbo jumbo.....




  1. I have to say, if you believe global warming is a theory, I'll go buy you some cigarettes (they're good for you)

    I'm a Canadian, and our Greens are right-wing environmentalists, so I'll never say 'go-green!' without making sure what group it is, but even they'd have my vote above people like you any day.

  2. problem is, they will not listen to ppl with actual application experience as well as several successful research and development projects under their belt. You can't have ppl like this running about actually(For real) able to make a positive and maybe in some difference a world changing event through their ideas. Don't buy their BS here. They're clueless. they're only shopping for information that could be profitable to one of their buddies. if you get involved heavily in this field, might i suggest becoming real familiar with the Uniformed Trde secrets act as well as anything involving propietary information, and for gods sake don't get a patent on anything. you might see your invention out in a battlefield somewhere aiding in the killing of ppl. Just a word of advice. you want to give it to the ppl? So mode it be, but do it on your terms. the people are more than ready, but are being seriously misguided or misled if you so prefer. Thats all they ever do is talk. Time for talking on an issue of this importance is now merely a waste of time. Not only that why is the DOE throwing so much money and research behind clean burning coal fired power production facilities(or hybrids in correlation with natural gas?).LOL!!! The level of ignorance as well as just flat out stupidity never cease to amaze me. Think real energy independence. But keep in mind, true independence does not bode well for the socialist system we are all about to face.We have never had a true free market economy. If we did, fossil fuels would have disappeared from use as early as 1904. I would move on if i were you as well.

  3. Why don't you check out Free Inquiry magazine for some views on global warming that just might enlighten you--Michael Crichton might not believe in global warming, but apparently real scientists and environmental writers find there exists more evidence in support of it than in opposition to it!  Seek knowledge!

  4. Hey, a Guy's gotta do what he's gotta do.  Go in peace.

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