
Question about adoption a child?

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Well i really want a kid to care for and give a great and loving home to, and i have all of the requirements. But there's one thing stopping me. They won't allow the adoptive parent to have Pitbulls. I do. I have two. One of them is great with kids,babies,cats,etc. She actually protects my nieces and nephews from danger. There's no way i would get rid of her. But the other one might be dangerous around kids, so i am willing to give him up in order to adopt. So my question is, how often do the case worker/s come around to check on your living situations? I don't want them to know i have a Pitbull. And please no negative comments about Pitbulls please.




  1. well, you have to decide what is more important to you, a dog or children.  I would never allow my son around a pitbull, the ones that always say their dogs would NEVER hurt anyone are the people who are so shocked when their dog mauls someone to death.

  2. They will have to know about all animals you own and will need vet records.  I don't think there is a rule per se about pitbulls but they will want to know that they are friendly and good with kids.  Personally, I would not have a child around a pit bull but that's just me.  I have 3 dogs and don't allow my child to be alone with any of them--even the 8 lb little dog because they are dogs and you can't guarantee their behavior.  I also don't want my child to abuse the dogs which is what toddlers tend to do--poke them in the eye, pinch them, etc.  

    Pit bulls are not any meaner than other dogs if they are raised correctly and bred well.  The problem is that if they do attack, they are strong enough to kill and they are bred to attack until they kill.  So although my tail wagging lab or my 8 lb little dog may bite my toddler, they will not keep biting and attacking until he is dead.  That is what pit bulls do.  I'm trying to as honest as possible without saying all pit bulls are bad.  You are right about rottys and other breeds being just as potentially dangerous--you just cannot ever leave your young children alone with animals.  They are not big enough for dogs to see as an authority figure.  They are just one of the pack to them and they will attack them if they find it necessary.  Good luck with whatever decision you make.  Every adoption agency is different so if you decide to keep your pit, definitely call around and see if you can find one that will work with you.  Never lie to them--that will automatically rule you out with every agency if they find out.

  3. If you're willing to lie to the caseworker you're not going to be a very good parent.  If you want to adopt a child you'll have to get rid of your dogs.

  4. They will come around to do the initial homestudy, then after you get a baby they can come around anytime they want in the first 6 months. After your adoption is finalized (should take 6-8 months) they will not bother you at all.

  5. I agree with the first answer.  If you're willing to lie about having pitbulls, then you aren't fit to be a parent in the first place.  The caseworkers thoroughly exam the living arrangements for the child that you will potentially be adopting.  They'll want to check your entire house to make sure its "child friendly" and safe.  They make sure you have a room for them.  They make sure you have a generally safe neighborhood.  In many cases, they also interview other family members and neighbors.  They don't just hand you a child and hope it all works out for the best.  

    You have to decide which is more important to you.  The dogs or a child.  Good luck.

  6. I don't have any info for you, I just wondered where you live. That is such a sad rule. Pitbulls can makes wonderful pets if they are cared for properly. Good Luck!!

    EDIT: I do agree with them despite it being an unfair rule DO NOT lie!

    P.S. There is a pitbull movie on the net that it really awesome if you like that breed. Here is the link

  7. I hate to say it but rules are rules. You have to decide what is more important to you. There will be home checks. You need to make a hard choice. :( I'm sorry. Do you have a friend or family member who would be willing to take your dogs?

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