
Question about being vegan?

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Okay, so i know why people are vegan. My friend is starting to go vegan and shes been vegitarian since she was 11. (shes now 14) its because of how animals are treated to get like eggs, and milk and stuff. So we have sheep, and after weve weened their babies, we milk them for like 2 days. then we make cheese and stuff. we also have chickens that lay eggs. Shouldnt my friend be able to eat the things that we produce ourselves (we as in our animals)? since we dont mistreat them or anything




  1. Sorry, but no. Vegans don't consume animal products despite how the animals are treated. For example, vegans don't drink dairy milk because by nature it is designed for baby cows. Good question though. :)

  2. Obviously a vegetarian can eat those things, and in my opinion, for those who are vegetarian for the animals, that should really be the only acceptable way to eat eggs and dairy.

    For vegans, I would have to say no, in general, although I can see how those who eat honey would consider it acceptable.  It's captivity without harm.

  3. NO its about setting an example for others to help the animals that are being mistreated.

  4. Vegans don't eat, use, wear or otherwise consume anything of animal origin, regardless of the source.  I agree with you that situations like yours don't present quite the same ethical dilemma as dairy and eggs from commercial sources, but eating them still would not be vegan.  If your friend *wants* to eat them and is satisfied to continue being a vegetarian, then she's lucky to have a source such as yours.  But if what she wants to be is vegan, then she's chosen not to exploit animals for what they can produce for us and even your stuff would be unacceptable.

  5. Yes but it's not just about the way animals are treated. It's the fact that your taking away something that belongs to them. For example, some vegans feel that taking eggs away from a chicken is wrong and that you have no right to do so. The eggs belong to the chicken, not you. Same thing goes for cow's belongs to the cow, not you. You can talk to her about it though and get her opinions on it. Most likely if you show her that you take care of your animals and express love and kindness towards them, she will not mind if she eats milk and eggs produced from your animals.

  6. it's all up to her, some vegan's completely cut out dairy, whether they know the animal is mistreated or not, and some will if they know how the animal was treated. it all depends on the reasons and ethics behind why she is vegan, I personally wouldn't, but that's because I cut out all animal products and bi-products from my diet.

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