
Question about bellybutoon piercing??

by  |  earlier

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I want to get my belly button pierced...but I'm kinda scared because the last time I got something pierced...I was 8 months old getting my ears pierced...I want to know if it hurts or if it's just a pinch or whatever so if there's anyone with experience I would like to know your account of it. Thanks!!




  1. It really doesn't hurt that bad. I was about 15 when I got mine pierced and the piercer will tell you to take a deep breath and right when you start to breathe out they poke it through. The reason it doesn't hurt that bad is because that piece of skin doesn't have much feeling or nerve endings! Hope that helps!  

  2. eww y i never had it done but i am assuming it hurts!! :(

  3. don't do it

  4. It will be like a hard pinch, and maybe a burning sensation.  Just exhale out as the piercing is done -it helps.  Provided the piercer is good it will be 1-2-3 done.  The area will be tender for up to six weeks while it heals, and you will need to clean it multiple times a day.  

  5. I had my belly button pierced and i'm scared of needles so i was scared, my friend who does piercings said it doesn't hurt because they numb it he says if you relax and not tense it wont hurt but if your all nervous and scared you wont be relaxed and that is when if can hurt a little. So from my experience it didn't hurt even though i was moving around and scared. It doesn't take long to do and when it is over you will see it was 100% worth it. Go for it! Good Luck. Hope my advice helped! x

  6. Hum.. It really just depends on who ever you are.

    I've heard it hurts before

    But to be honest, I've had a belly piercing and it doesn't at all.

    Maybe a little pinch here and there.

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