
Question about bronchitis?

by Guest45451  |  earlier

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i have had a cough for a very long time years . sometimes i have to sleep in a chair because i sometimes cant breath.

seems like it is getting worse. i finally went to the doc. he told me i had bronchitis but I'm wondering if he was right. forgot to say i get really light headed when i stand or get out of bed .

I'm not a worry wort but my grandmother died of lung cancer,her sister and my father has it now, my grandmother is my moms mother so its on both sides. should i have mentioned this to him?




  1. Its always a good idea to bring up family medical history concerning a certain topic, even if you don't think it is directly related. Because it could be, better safe than sorry right. I had a similar situation. I had a really bad cough for years and i kept going back to the doctor and every time they would say i had bronchitis.  They diagnosed me with chronic bronchitis and just gave me codine whenever i went in which was getting me no where and taking that for too long can be harmful and i developed pretty bad cases of pleurisy a few times (its when the membrane surrounding your lungs becomes inflammed and the 2 pleural membranes surrounding your lungs rub together. It can make breathing very difficult). Then i had some other health issues and i spend many of my days in the hospital which is when they addressed my chronic bronchitis deal. They set me up with a pulmonologist (lung doctor) and i did some breathing tests and they diagnosed me with asthma. There is a type of asthma where the triggers can send you into a coughing fit. Hope this helps.  

  2. Yes, you should have mentioned the family history of lung cancer to him.  Follow up with your doctor and make sure to mention it.

  3. It sounds like an accurate diagnosis.

    Bronchitis is also associated with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).

    Google it and learn more.

    I would also mention to your doctor your family history of lung cancer.

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