
Question about bruises

by  |  earlier

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are there any ways to help get rid of bruises a bit quicker than just waiting like normal?

not just covering them up either, actually helping then fade faster

i assume not, but just wondering, thanks




  1. Cold ice pack will help get rid of the bruise.  If you have a boyfriend or husband causing these brises then call the cops.  The bruises will stop appearing

  2. alternate warm and cold compresses (warmth increases circulation, cold reduces swelling).  rub in arnica gel (homeopathic stuff, available at GNC among other places).

  3. I had a really bad bruise from slamming the trunk of the car on my thigh and it was almost a black colour.  

    Although not many people know this but rubbing a little bit of white vinegar on your bruise with a cotton ball before bed will speed up the healing process almost half.  

    The bruise I had should have taken at least 2 weeks to heal but with the vinegar it took roughly 4 days.  Something about dialating the broken blood vessels to prevent further leakage.  Either way it was gone in 4 days

  4. drink orange juice for some extra vitamin C
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