
Question about chest pains!?

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When I recently had a cardiac episode, the doctor asked me if the pain got better or worse if I moved around... meaning if I lied down, or sat slightly differently or something (which it didn't at the time). However, now I get some small chest pains, which do improve if I change my posture/position etc.

What is the significance of that? Why do doctors ask if the pain gets better if you change your posture?

Thanks guys!





  1. Not all chest pains are a result of cardiac problems - if they ease with a change of posture it could be a digestive problem such as hiatus hernia.

  2. Any persistent chest pain needs to be examined immediately to rule out cardiac problems.

    However, if the pain is lessened by adjusting your position then it is less likely to be cardiac related.

    It may be a pulled muscle or even inflammation in the inter-costal muscles (the muscles between your ribs) - this presents itself much the same as an MI (myocardial infarction) or AMI (acute myocardial infarction), i.e. a heart attack - but only a trip to the ER or A&E department can rule this out.

    And it may also be heartburn (pyrosis).

    If you are ever in any doubt, calling your physician or the emergency services is always the prudent thing to do. Being blasé about chest pain is never recommended.

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