
Question about childrens medicaid in Texas?

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My child was on medicaid and I was sent a notice in April that it would expire in July and that I needed to fill out another application. So I went ahead and filled out the application and sent 2 paycheck stubs along with the yellow application to be recertified. About 2 weeks ago I got a letter from the medicaid office saying that they needed a copy of my husband's paycheck stubs( which I had already sent in) by July 14. The letter was mailed out on July 11 and they said they needed it by the 14 of July. I went to my husbands job and I faxed them a copy and I called the lady and left her a message that I faxed another paycheck stub. I have been calling this lady every day for almost a week telling her I faxed the paycheck stubs and to please call me and let me know but she won't return my calls. She then got mad at5 me because I told her that I had sent in out paycheck stubs along with the application in May. She said she got the application but not the paycheck stubs.




  1. It is difficult to understand why you received the treatment that you did.

    I do not know your circumstances as to transportation but I would strongly recommend that you bring the documents to the nearest office in Texas. In that way you can have a Texas official verify receipt of the documents and have forwarded to the appropriate person.

    There is no telling how many people use the fax machine and where your documents wound up.

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