
Question about collection agencies and advice?

by Guest10745  |  earlier

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I had Sprint PCS for two years. I ended up breaking my arm and going into some serious debt for a while. Part of that being a $600 cell phone bill over a few months before they realized I couldn't pay it.After a while(about a year) it was sent back and forth to collection agencies.Finally laster year(November) the account was supposedly turned back over to Sprint.I was finally back on my feet and able to pay off the balance entirely.

It's now what July? And I'm STILL receiving letters from collection agencies, even though I've repeatedly told them the matter was taken care of, I was not paying them, and that they needed to check their records and with Sprint.At this point, I'm still waiting for Sprint to mail me a record of billing showing I paid off the debt so I can send it to the most recent collector so they pull their heads out of the rears and stop calling me and don't forward my account on.

Once this is done, how do I go about having the delinquent marks removed from my credit?




  1. You need to contact Sprint and get something in writing that says you have paid this. Otherwise, you will continue to get these calls and letters. It also may be listed incorrectly on your credit report. Once you get the letter from Sprint, you will need to mail the companies calling you as well as checking with credit reporting agencies.

  2. The only bad move I see you made was

    paying but not making any kind of

    agreement, like (pay to delete) from your

    credit report, I think thats what happened

    right? Call sprint, be real nice and ask them

    to delete since its been paid off, how did

    you pay, didnt you get any kind of

    receipt or statement from sprint. Send it

    yourself with a letter to the 3 major

    credit bureaus.

  3. You need to send the collection agency a debt validation letter. Make them prove that they own the debt and can collect on it. I have cited a sample letter you can send to them.

    While you are doing that, keep after Sprint to have them send you something about the account.

  4. If you are sure it is cleared ignore the letters.  Only time will remove the bad marks.

  5. I used to own a collection agency (i hated it).  this is what you need to do to make this all clear up.

    write a letter to the collection agency that keeps sending you letters.  tell them the debt has been paid in full to Sprint and you no longer owe the money.   tell them they have 30 days to indicate that this payment has been reflected on your credit statement. in your last sentence, tell them not to contact you any longer about this matter.  You should also cc; Sprint.

    at that point, the collection agency will stop contacting you.

    Unfortunately,  they will not remove the debt to sprint but they will put down that you have  a zero balance and the bill was paid in full.

  6. you cannt call them and tell them "Its taken care of". You needs ot stay in contact with these debt collection companies eventhough they are total jerks, rude, cll every 5 minutes and everything else bad you need to do it all yourself, do everything that YOU as a consumer can possibly do because Im gonna tell you telling the  "its taken care of" they dont give d**n what you say what written on their computer and legal documents is what they go by unless they have further proof by sprint. You need ot make  sure that theres nothing else that you needs to send them make sure all documentation this debt collection company needs that have, thats your responsibility, at this point, sprint could careless along with the other agencies.  You need to continue to take th time and call sprint on a Daily basis like clockwork ask to speak with authority like a supervisor or manger so you can feel like the situation will be put on highest pririty to take care of. You need to make sure you are very thorough in your calls when you call both of these companies go over situaition (even if its the 5th time) explin why you are still calling and make it known  you are doing everything you can to get it resolved but its not easy getting mixed answers from each company when you reacivee proof adn documentation  I would suggest making copies of the document and ask them if you can send it to a fax rather then the mail- A. its faster and B. lets all face it  mail sucks, its lost or damaged. I know its frustrating but this is what needs to be done like clockwork. The negative marks that have impacted your credit will need to be requests you make through Equifax and Transunion, thats also a long process and thats never gaurenteed-  just look up their numbers explain sitituation and they will walk you right through what the require for a credit bearue dispute. Normally requires letter and proof as well so you could probably get started on that kind of prood and call and ask-.

    Good Luck

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