
Question about contact lenses...?

by  |  earlier

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okay. i thinking of getting contact lenses. im that too young?? also, are they very comfortable? and will it interfere with my horseback riding??




  1. are not too young at all...i got them at twelve

    2..they are comfortable, just as long as you take care of them, take them out every night.

    3..they won't interfere at all! i actually got them because of sports

  2. Not too young- but the real question is how responsible are you? The main thing is to be a responsible Contact wearer- and keep your glasses to have for a day of rest for your eyes from the contacts. Contacts should not interfere with your horseback riding at all- unless it were to be a particularly windy day.

  3. 1) No, you're not too young. You just have to be responsible and wash your hands before handling your lenses and clean them properly. And replace them whenever you need to.

    2) At first you'll realize something is in your eye, but that's just the eyes way of getting used to having something foreign in. This feeling should disappear in a week or so. It depends on your eyes.

    3) If your contacts are too big, the motion of horseback riding will cause them to fall out. But that's not likely to happen since you'll get the perfect fit the first time usually. Other than that no, contats will not interfere with horseback riding.

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