
Question about earth like planets?

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If your reading this then you prolly know that earth like planets have been found close to us. I have 1 question. lets say one day we have the tech to go and search those planets( a mission ) what if there are civilizations on these planets? would the mission be a waste? and its not like we can tell or not because isnt it true that we can only see the planet whatever light years away we are from its ( ex: planet "p**p" is 25,000 Light years away so we can only see the planet like it was 25,000 ago ) correct me if im wrong. who else thinks is the most awsome thing to see another earth!




  1. may be there is life but not like human one

  2. we'd probably give them smallpox, or something. as in the European settlers infecting indigenous peoples on other continents..

  3. ALIENS!!!!!!! YEAH TOTTLY AWESOME BUT IF  THEY HAD GUNS THAT WOULD BE BAD NOOOOO WE DIE haha im hyper yeah but its is awdsome!!!

  4. If I were an inhabitant of another earth like planet, I wouldn't allow the visitors from another planet that would just come by and abuse our planet like they did with theirs.

  5. The probability of finding a remotely Earthlike planet "nearby" is far less than 1 in a billion, due to the extremely unusual combination of circumstsnce which resulted in the formation of this planet/moon and solar system.

    Read some books on astrobiology, and how life evolved on Earth,( such as The Fermi Paradox, &

    Rare Earth - Peter Ward & Donald Brownlee), which is part of an extremely unusual planet/moon system, solar system, highly metalliferous single G2 star system, 2/3 rds of the distance from the dangerous hub of the galactic centre, to the rim, in the relatively safe part of a spiral galaxy.

    Find out about "snowball Earth", and how for billions of years before that, there were only single celled organisms. (My hypothesis is that partially toxic/mutagenic heavy metals, combined with sulphur compounds released by undersea volcanism, were trapped under the ice, permitting single cells floating past in the tidal streams, channelled by that gaseous flow from below, and the ice above, and thereby concentrated into aggregates, to survive and later reproduce, because only the outer parts were exposed, whereas the single ones were attacked from all sides, and killed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This may have come about due to surface tension effects on bubbles of gas, moving those well distributed, free floating prokaryotes upward, from their former 3D existence, to a semi 2D one, conglomerated between bubbles of gas, hitting the ice above, but warmed by the currents from below, which would have accelerated the process).  

    An analogy is the penguins in Antarctica, which congregate in one large mass, so as to expose only the minimum of area to the coldness of the dark Antarctic winter. Another is the way the Jews, Slavs, gypsies, homosexuals, political enemies, and undesirables, managed to survive the cattle trucks of the n**i concentration camp trains to Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka, etc., in winter, with minimal clothing, (if any), by rotating the freezing outermost people into the warmer centre.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Using an updated version of the Drake equation, I estimate that there are/have been/will be only several roughly similar "doppelgangers" of the Earth, at most, in this galaxy. There are thought to be around a hundred billion galaxies, but only a small proportion of those are spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way.

    When the timing of mass extinctions is taken into account, and the fact that intelligent animals do not necessarily invent, or develop advanced technology, (Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Japanese, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Toltecs, etc.) I strongly doubt that there will ever be physical encounters with intelligent extraterrestrials, or at least not for many thousands of years.

  6. If we let our dreams run, we will probably think that we can go to this planet. But ever ask yourself why it should be unreachable ? Or why can't another habitable planet exists here in our solar system ? Why must it be that the planet existed years ago like Mars ? Why can't Mars be full of life like we are now on Earth ?

  7. I'm sorry but I don't think even humans will ever become advanced enough to travel that far

  8. actually, no really "Earth-like" planets have been found yet.

    perhaps I am making the definition too strict.  I want a planet roughly Earth-sized.  More or less the same distance from the primary star.

    even so... you said "Close"... start walking.  None are 'Close'.

  9. Science is a continous growing body of knowledge. So, there might be innovative technologies that can be disovered by our hardworking scientists that can bring us to other planets.

    About your question, What if there are civilizations in these planets? Well, If we have managed to get there, we might as well study their ecosystems and their natural resources. So, the mission wouldn't be a waste.

    Well, seeing another earth is very reliefing, because when we run out of resources, we may get them there, or ask the life-forms there to get some resources. And also, learning new cultures and the new life-forms(if any) would be a good thing to do.

  10. Interesting question.. I love things related to the Universe..

    ♥ I think the mission would be successful

    ♥ Yes, it's true, acc. to me, when you see a star one light years away, it is how it was seen a year ago.

    ♥ And sometimes we might even still be able to see those stars or planets in the sky, which don't even exist presently, but we can see them only because we're seeing the past, ie "light years" ago...

    ♥ It obviously is the most awesome thing to view another Earth!!

    Hope it helped, Thank you.

  11. Your question is literally not a question and so what is your question?

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