
Question about hamsters ?

by  |  earlier

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heyy, my family has lots of experience w/ hamsters and my brother and mom have gotten bitten by a hamster/s. but today my hamster bit me when i was taking some beddding out of his tube that he got stuck in there and he bit me. do u no y he might have? and r there any diseases or something else that u can from a hamster bite.




  1. smack it around a bit and show it who's had one that did that to me...this is what I did.....everytime I would stick my hand in there to either clean the cage or feed it or even change out the water bottle...I would give it a treat......mostly peanuts cut up into small pieces.....DONT GIVE IT TO THEM AS A WHOLE.....THEY WILL CHOKE.....but it will show it that you are just trying to do best for it....hope this works

  2. The only probleme with Hamster bites is if there deep they could get infected (just keep it clean) trust me no diseases unless you get the cut dirty (wich probally wouldnt even come close to a diseas even if that happend) i think it bit you becoz he put that bedding in his tube for comfort reasons next time he puts anything in there dont take it out unless the reason in serious,sometimes hamsters like to put bedding and food in there tubes its normal trust me, if you have tubes just for him to run around in with no look outs or anything thahn you may want to get him a look-out wich decreases the chances of him putting bedding in the crawling tubes.If you want some fun thigs to know and do for your hammie go to my website (if you have a small screen (laptop) you might have to scroll to the right at some times) anywayz heres the link: (if you dont see anythig that says My Pages and says things in the same color under it it means you have to scroll to your right -----> ) Have fun with your Hammie :)


  3. i don't believe so.

    I had a hamster before and it bit me one day when i tried to get him fresh water. I just cleaned the blood of with soap and water and put a bandaid on it and it seemed to be okay.

    I suggest you do the same and if your bite starts to look irritated or burn after a while you call the doctor and see if domescticated hamster bites can be diseased.

    Good luck!

  4. Hamsters usually bite only if they're scared or annoyed. Diseases from a hamster bite only happen if you get a cut in your skin. if you just get pinched in the skin then its okay. just wash your hands. but if there's a cut and blood coming out then you might get a disease.  

  5. NO dieseases or anything should occur.Just wash your hands and put some polysporin on it if it's bleeding.Hamsters will bite if they get scared or annoyed.It is normal,Hope i helped and good luck!

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