
Question about health insurance?

by Guest56141  |  earlier

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im just wondering about this... I keep seeing stories in magazines and stuff about people being rejected from health insurance becuase they have health problems how is it that they get rejected? Everyone i know has health insurance and many of them have health issues why didnt they get rejected? and i thought that if your job insures you you automatically are entitled to health insurance so how do people get rejected? i live in CA so i dont know if its diff in other places im just wondering how this all works.




  1. Group insurance is guaranteed issue by federal law. No one in the group can be denied coverage based on their health status.  

    Individual insurance is subject to underwriting, meaning that if you have health issues the insurance company can uprate you, exclude preexisting conditions, or deny coverage.  The advantage of individual insurance is that you own the policy, not your employer. As long as you pay the premium, your coverage cannot be canceled, nor you cannot be singled out for a rate increase based on your claims history.


  2. You can get health insurance if you work for somebody that will provide it.

    If you have a pre-existing condition and getting personal health insurance, you will probably get rejected.

  3. You're right.  If your job offers health insurance, you're guaranteed coverage.  The reason is that you're part of the employer group.  The health history of the group is taken into consideration.  The health insurance company doesn't look at the health issues of an individual employee.  If someone decides to purchase individual health insurance coverage, rather than getting through an employer benefit's package, then the health insurance company will take that person's health issues into account and possibly turn them down.  You're right though in that health insurance from work gives automatic acceptance.

  4. I wish my idea might be helpful,though you should make the judgement by yourself.I have got good experience at this good resource.

  5. There is a difference between job insurance and private. If you have pre-existing conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, mental illness, etc., a company can reject you for insurance with priate insurance. HOWEVER...

    If you are applying for health insurance on the job, you can't be rejected. HOWEVER, and this may be slightly different state-state--if you have to wait 56 days or more between coverage, and have a pre-existing condition,  the insurance co. can can refuse to cover you for a length of time for THAT condition ONLY. Usually a year.

    Example, if you leave your job at company A, and start a new job at company B, a week later, but the new jobs insurance does not kick in until 60 days (after your probationary period)  you now have gone 67 days without insurance. You lose out IF you have any pre-existing conditions.

    After a certain age, say 35-40 almost all of us have a pre-existing. This is why between jobs you should buy COBRA coverage. However, COBRA costs about $400.00/month for a single person, how many can afford that?

    Basically, your screwed,  if any of those things apply to you. This is why some people can't change jobs, even if they are miserable, they are stuck and so are their families.

    The health care system must change. Watch Michael Moore's film SICKO, interesting, funny and heart-wrenching, and it should make you VERY angry. You will ask yourself, "This is America?"

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