
Question about inducing labor...?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone tried nipple stimulation to induce labor? When do you start doing this, and how much do you have to do it each day?





  1. Rubbing your nipples in circular motion does cause contractions, so does walking, but your body will not go into labour before it is ready regardless of how many times a day you rub your nipples. I personally feel the walking might be better, because the baby's head is putting pressure on the cervix which helps it to shorten and dilate. These things may help, but your body will go into labour when it is ready.

  2. yeah, i tried nipple stimulation when i was pregnant with my second, and i ended up being 11 days overdue. i also heard somewhere that its not actually recommended, so maybe just wait until you go into labour naturally. i dont know how far you are, but start walking everday, try drinking rasberry leaf tea, lots of s*x! LOL and bumpy car rides and stuff. that should all help, at the least. all the best!

  3. Nipple Stimulation for Labor

    What is Nipple Stimulation?

    Gentle rubbing or rolling of the nipple, or suckling of the nipples to encourage contractions is called nipple stimulation.

    Why does Nipple Stimulation work?

    Oxytocin, a hormone that causes contractions, is released in the body when the b*****s are stimulated. After the baby is born, this release is important for the involution (returning to pre-pregnancy size) of the uterus. In labor, the release can be used to stimulate longer or stronger contractions.

    How do I do it?

    To stimulate the release of oxytocin, you must mimic the suckling of a baby. When a baby suckles, he does not grab just the nipple, but actually massages the areola (dark circle around the nipple).

    The areola can be orally massaged by the mother's partner, the mother's toddler who is still nursing or by a friend's newborn (babies under 6 weeks will tend to suckle any woman).

    The mother may prefer to massage her own areola. To do this she can rub the areola in a gentle rolling way with her palm or fingers. This can be done through thin clothing.

    NOTE: Nipple stimulation can have very strong effects, similar to the overuse of Pitocin (synthetic oxytocin). For this reason various experts have given recommendations on its use. Here are some recommendations I have seen at various sources:


          Only massage one breast at a time


          Only massage a nipple for 5 minutes, wait up to 15 minutes to see what happens before continuing with the massage.


          Do not stimulate the breast during a contraction.


          Do not use nipple stimulation after the contractions are 3 minutes apart or 1 minute long.

    Some sample nipple stimulation techniques:

    When trying to induce labor or speed up a prolonged early labor, have the mother go about her regular activities. Set a timer to go off every hour. When the timer indicates, have the mother stimulate one breast for 5 minutes, then continue with her normal activities.

    If the mother is anxious for labor to begin, combine the effects of natural nipple stimulation with the natural prostaglandin released in s***n by encouraging the mother and her partner to engage in intercourse.

    In the hospital, have the mother place her palm over the nipple and areola and give a firm but gentle pressure. Encourage the mother to move the palm in a circular motion, keeping the firm and gentle pressure.

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