
Question about labor please answer!!?

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I am scheduled to be induced in the morning...supposed to be at the hospital in about 5 hours so I really hate to make a big deal out of nothing, but I have been having contractions with a lot of back pain and with severe menstrual cramp feelings. I've been timing them for almost 45 minutes and they have all been 2-4 minutes apart. I also lost my mucus plug today if that means anything. Do you think I'm going into labor on my own or should I just wait it out til the morning? Also my hospital is 30-35 minutes away. Any help will be very much appreciated. Thank you!!!!




  1. congratulations!

    sounds like you are in labour.

    good luck!!  

  2. If your contractions are regularly 2-4 minutes apart you need to go to the hospital, yes.

  3. Sure sounds like labor to me!   I doubt you'll be induced...I think you will be in full swing labor before the 5 hours are up.

    Congrats....don't sweat the pain/discomfort...the end reward is sooo worth it!  :)

  4. Yes u r in labour..CALL UR HOSP!!! You will soon be a new mum.. Congrats not 2 long 2 go.. Goodluck with ur delivery!!

  5. if you get to a point where your contractions are coming 2 minutes apart consistently then start the drive to the hospital.

  6. Wow sounds like you are in labor!!! You should go to the hospital now.

    Once the contraction are 4 minutes apart you are in Labor!!!

    Good Luck!! Having your bundle of joy!!!

    31 weeks Preg....

  7. I would definitely call the hospital cuz it sounds like you are in labor.

  8. I would call the hospital and get an opinion from a nurse or doctor!

    Thats a tricky one. I'd probably go to the hospital now!

    Good luck and congrats!

  9. My guess is you've started naturally.

    A good rule if thumb in going to the hospital is

    5-1-1  contractions are 5 min apart, lasting 1 min for 1 hr.

    If your water breaks just go.

    They won't induce if you are dilated 2-3 cms.  

  10. oh no, 2-4 minutes apart? you should BE at the hospital. they say you come when they are 5 min apart, I guess the kid got mad because the doctors lost faith in him and decided to do it on its own.

    My friend had the same thing happen to her.

    Congrat and good luck.

    but go to the HOSPITAL  

  11. Call Your Doctor asap. You are having signs of labor.

  12. I think I would go to the hospital sounds like you are in labor!

  13. I would wait a little longer to see if they continue, and if they do go to the hospital and see what they have to say.

    P.S. Congrats!

  14. It does sound like you are going into labour on your own, but give your hospital a call and let them know what's going on and get their opinion

  15. It sounds like perfect timing! You dont want to be induced as that makes labor more painful. TRUST ME!!! You are lucky!!! Good luck tonight and tomorrow, let us know in a few days when you get home!

    Call your doctor now and ask what you should do. Sometimes they make you wait for a certain time. YOU ARE NOT BOTHERING THE DOCTOR BY CALLING!!!

  16. Congrats !

    You've stared labor..!!

    I would still go to the hospital and let them decide what they want to do..

    Good Luck and best wishes to you and your new baby !

  17. Honey listen to me please.I'm telling you this mother to mother.Grab the other half tell him 2 put his foot on the peddle n GO 2 HOSPITAL!!!You are in labour.the quicker you get to the hospital the quicker they can give you something for the pain as this will increase rapidly.If you go to the hospital in the morning chances are you will be far too close to giving birth and they will not administer any pain relief for you.

    Best of luck.Congratulations and God Bless

  18. I would get to your hospital asap. It sounds like you are in labor, you need to be monitored to make sure that there are no health complications with your or the baby.  

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