
Question about metaformin?? please answer?

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hi my doctor wants me on metaformin 500 2 times a days. well 3 months ago i took it and it made me so sick and so tired like a zombie i couldn't even work. so i stoped after a week, i am also on clomid this is my 4th month i am getting my period every month and i had my progesterone level checked so i am ovulating, so should i still be on metaformin?




  1. I am on Metformin 850 mg twice a day.  The first week of taking it was miserable (really, really bad diarrhea!).  But after that first week, I have not had any problems.  If your doctor is recommending it, I would definitely take it.  You just need to make it through that first week, and then it will get better.  

    I hope you have luck with the clomid and metformin.  I am 10 weeks pregnant from a combination of the 2 meds.  

  2. Yes, metformin is gross to be on - but you didn't give it a chance. When I started, it was with one pill, then after two weeks, two - then after four weeks, three. So after about a month, the body got used to it, and I wasn't sick any more.

    Tell your doc you haven't been taking it!

  3. I also take metformin. You stopped taking it right when the side effects were about to stop. It does make you feel like c**p for a week, but once you get through that you'll feel great! If you start taking it again, it may  not make you feel so bad again..... I would suggest starting out with 500 once a day for about a week and then moving up to 500 twice a day.

  4. if you start out on just 500 mg 1 a day that should ease your symptoms.You can also try taking it with supper.Start out slowly and work you way up. That what i did and it seemed to help.

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