
Question about moving out?

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I am 16 years old and I can no longer stay where I live. I have been thinking about moving out for a few years, and I believe the time has come for me to pursue this option. I hate my parents, they do not treat me with any respect, and I am finished with them. They want me gone as well. Please don't tell me how that is how all teenagers feel, because yes, I know many teens hate their parents, but you do not understand my situation. So staying here is not even an option. However I am smart enough to realize that before you move out you have to take many things into consideration. I am getting a part time job soon, and I am planning to stay in school until graduation. I was wondering what the rough cost of it will be to live on my own or with a friend in a rented basement, the cost of food, toiletries and the main necessities. Thanks for your help, honest answers please.




  1. Without knowing exactly where you live, it's impossible for us to say anything but "A LOT more than you probably think."

    Here's what you can do, go around to various kinds of stores, and look at the prices of things you'll be buying.

    Then site down and figure out how much you need to live.

    That will tell you about food and other basic things. You'll also need to get some sense of things like utilities, or find a place where that's included in rent.

    If you already know the kind of job you're getting, find out what it pays -- but, you don't actually GET all that money, as money is taken out for taxes, social security, etc. Sorry, I'm not sure how you can estimate what your actual take-home pay will be.

    Much less than you think, that much I do know.

    As far as actually doing it, you'll have to figure out cheap ways to live. Cut out things that aren't necessities. Learn how to cook things using cheap ingredients, how to stretch a little meat into lots of meals -- things like that.

    Is there no relative who can help you out? Letting you stay with them, perhaps?

    Is there any adult in your life who will help you figure out exactly how you can manage? Someone at school?

    As far as school, would your grades make you qualified for college scholarships and other financial help? If so, don't rule out college.

    If not, there are still Community Colleges, where you can go part-time, for very little tuition money. You can then transfer to a 4-year college.

    Oh, it's highly unlikely you'll be able to live on your own. Rent is usually the biggest expense. You might want to look at rental notices, to get an idea of what rents are like in your area.

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