
Question about my goldfish?

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One of my goldfish (Saturn) had been fighting off a mild case of fin-rot before we went of vacation for 5 days and she looked alright when we left. when we came home it looked like she had become pretty weak =[ Her belly wasn't exactly round..more like flat on the bottom. her fins weren't clamped but they weren't as high as Ive seen them before either. I kept a close eye on her, and thought she was back up to usual. but I did notice she was still kind of small compared to her tank buddies, JJ & Mars.

Yesterday morning I found Saturn stuck to the filter and automatically thought she was dead, but she was just too weak to swim away. When she got un-stuck she sort of just floated around the top, and her fins & belly looked worse than before we left on vacation about a month ago. JJ stayed pretty close to her the whole day, even when she got stuck to the filter a 2nd time =[ Dad told me Saturn probably wouldn't live through the night. (btw I put temp panty hose over the filter so she wouldn't be sucked again)

Later, I noticed Mars started biting at Saturn's fins, then JJ joined in. Even though Saturn wasn't gonna live through the night, I thought she didn't have to be bitten at as she died, so I set up my spare 2.5 gallon tank by using some water from my main tank, put the air pump in for her, then added a plant and Noah's ark from the main tank to make it look more homely. I also added a little salt, I read that helps with stress. Surprise, next morning she was still alive, AND she could swim around a little better =] came home today from school and another surprise, her fins don't look so ratty.

But after I fed them all a few peas, I noticed JJ was swimming around the main tank erratically...? I just did my weekly water change (about 35%) the morning I found Saturn stuck to the tank, and I re-tested the chemical levels today and they seem normal. JJ looks normal..nice belly, no scales sticking out, same color, his fins arent clamped, just the jerking swimming. Mars isn't acting weird. I thought maybe he missed Saturn so I moved her 2.5 gallon tank right next to the main tank and there wasn't much of a change

lol I don't know if goldfish make "friends" but could that be a possibility and JJ was stressed about not having Saturn around? And if you have any suggestions for me to help bring Saturn back from the almost-dead, they'd be appreciated =]




  1. How Rude people can be when it comes to liking your pets! Flushing is cruel!

    Maybe you have been feeding them more than you need too, or food that doesn't agree? or maybe their tank is a little small? I came across both these issues, and I do also know that fish can make friends... Good luck, and maybe call a pet store?

  2. i think you have to much spare time on your hands to spend so much time writing about your gold fish lol

  3. wow u must reslly ♥ ur goldfish

  4. Goldfish don't live very long. When they die get new ones...

  5. you wrote to much about a goldfish...if you're having trouble with them just flush them down the toilet and buy new ones.

  6. Wow your story almost made me sad

    lol well at least you care for your fish

    Well congratulations that he is still

    alive im always happy to hear that

    an animal is okay

    Best of luck with your fish



  7. yea its possible

    my fish had a friend then he died then my other fish started acting crazy! then she died too. it was really sad.

  8. These people here really don't care.  I am not an expert but try .  they have an emegrency/911 section and a medical section, with lots of well trained and friendly people that can help.  It is free.  I'm not just posting this to advertise, I think they might be able to help.  Good luck with Saturn.  (:

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