
Question about my golf stance.?

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Lately I have been hitting draw's. And I know draw's aren't that bad but I would rather hit them straight. And I know the reason im doing it is my feet (stance) aren't lined up with my shoulder's (Im closing off my line). But they feel like they are. So could someone give me a tip on how to stop doing this. Thanks alot...




  1. wait for your hands,  your wrist have more to do  with pulling it

    wait for your hands to be in sync with your hips

  2. well when you are using your driver you should always have your left foot parallel to the tee.  your stance should be parallel to your shoulders.

    hope i could help. just started golfing so i might be wrong.

  3. Put your feet together and swing normally,spred your feet a little each time you hit a good shot until you get it.

  4. Y're bending your arms too much.

  5. I also use to have the same problem. I would go to the range and was positive I was square to my target line, and alignment, but was not. Very important to take someone with you that has some basic knowledge of the golf stance and alignment that can help you right there. Two other factors that should not be overlooked. Check your grip. It may be a little to strong. Also ball position. May be to far back in your stance. Hope this might help you.

  6. Yeah - open your stance up.

  7. As long as your not like O.B. drawing it then dont worry.

    play a natural draw because that will get you more yards.

    slices take off yards

  8. Somehow i play a decent fade with my drives..but whenever i want to try to pull the ball alil bit I stand alil bit closer to the ball and close my club head just a tiny bit not sure if your swing would do the same but it works for me.

  9. Slide your back foot slightly forward to open your stance up a bit. If you are hitting a lot of draws, your stance is likely to be closed.

  10. You said your shoulders are square to your target line, you can try this if you want:

    Take one club, lay it on the ground at your foot line parallel to your target line, keeping aware that when you rotate your left foot a little if you're right handed it will look like your stance is a little open (vise versa if your left handed).  Then set up, take your club and place it across the top of your legs and check to see if the shaft of the club across the top of your legs is parallel to the shaft on of the club at your foot line; if not adjust accordingly.

  11. your tip for the day.  Get thee to a Teaching pro for a lesson or 2.  Swing flaws can be corrected ...but only if someone can actually see what the flaw is and thus offer drills to correct them.

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