
Question about my last question?

by  |  earlier

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My last question asked about the hijab and how i did not know how to wear it since my sisters are against it. I recently got an email from yahoo saying that it cancelled my account because someone reported that my question was violating the guidelines? I've been using that account for so long =(.. ok, who ever reported abuse, i wanna know how my question was an abuse!




  1. What do you mean it canceled your account? They can't do that for one report! Have you got a lot of reports? If what you are saying is correct and if there was nothing offensive in your question, I think it is just a non-sensical act by an insane person.

  2. now thas a sorry sis but whoever reported u was a nutcase

  3. omg and they didnt delete the questions that are saying muslims are terriosts..i think they are rascist also

  4. I do sympathise with u...

  5. I'm sorry your question was reported, unfortunately in the Ramadan section, Suspension and reportation are not any thing.

  6. If you weren't abusing, appeal and you should get your account back.

  7. it happens all the time sis

    dnt worry

    i got VERY upset

    when my 1st ever acocunt got suspended

    for no reason

    reported abuse is nothing it gets worse


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