
Question about my period.?

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okayy.. i only got my first period in early july this year...and i was supposed to get it again on august 3. but i didn' that normal? or should i be concerned?




  1. Totally normal. You might skip a month. Then have a longer or shorter period. Then you might go back to a normal period. You get the picture.

    This process is important, though, because your body is learning to settle into a regular menstrual cycle. In a few months, your body should figure out which cycle is best for you. That might mean a period every 20 days, 28 days, 34 days, or something in between. Some girls have irregular periods their whole lives. But if the bleeding doesn’t become more regular, see a doctor, especially if you’re sexually active

  2. that's absolutely may be irregular for the first 2 years or so...

  3. a few months ago my period was 2 weeks late. you will probably get it soon.

    I would say if you don't get it after a month late you should definitely have it checked by a Doctor to make sure all is going OK. most likely you will get it soon

    (I went to a doctor at the time (as I thought I might be pregnant, even though the house pregnancy tests came out negative), who sent me to an ultra sound and said I will get it in a few days.. and I did)

  4. don't worry.

    I remember i didn't get it for 3 months and i was going crazy

    i thought i was pregnant even though i haven't had s*x so just don't go crazy like me :)  

  5. speaking from personal first time started the same way.You should only be concerned if you are sexually active w/o using protection.

  6. don't be worried about it. since you just started, it may be all over the place on your calander.  

  7. This is perfectly normal I had a gap of about six months between my first and second period I was beginning to think I had imagined it had started. Don't worry everything will settle into a pattern soon enough

  8. You shouldnt be worried by this.

    A friend of mine went 11 weeks without one when she first started

  9. when i first started i had 2 periods ALL year.. around 10 days worth of periods. i wouldn't be concerned, periods are weird when u first start

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