
Question about my pied budgie?

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my pied budgie is now about 16 weeks old.

the cere was pink when i got it then it went to a very light tinge blue through it and now it is turning white around the nostrile holes and the blue colour is disappearing is there anyone that can tell me if it is going to be a male or female?? there is very little blue left on the cere




  1. wait for time....

    mine is about four months i think and its really obvious what their genders are....

    ur budgie will have its color  in due time...

  2. Prepare for it to keep changing for a little while yet.  My budgie had a blue one to start with too, until about 4 months old, when it suddenly (and I mean in a matter of a couple of days) changed to pink/brown, and has stayed that colour since.  She's around two years old now and is clearly female from her beahviour and appearance.  She even had her breeder fooled about her gender so you might just need to wait it out a while.

  3. you got a baby girl congrats. hahaha  

  4. i have 6 parakeets, and only two are males. two keep changing though, but we are pretty sure that they are females from their behavior. The two that keep changing are named Bridget and Carla. We are pretty sure that Bridget is female because she hangs out a lot with her mate, Stormy, who is male. and her beak is usually pink but sometimes it gets purple. And Carla layed an eggs once because one time we had her out of the cage and we left her alone and when we put her back, a little unfertile egg was there where she had been hiding!!! Here's some ways to tell a female from a male with parakeets:

    pink or brownish cere=female

    blue or purple cere=male

    laying eggs=female

    behaviors like hanging out with a certain gender can tell a lot too. like if a female parakeet likes to talk to and preen another male parakeet, then you can tell sometimes. but sometimes two of the same genders pair up LOL

    our two parakeets (Carla and Toddra) are females and they hang out together like mates, but that's because they lived with each other like all their lives so they are like sisters.

    oh, and your parakeet is still a little too young to tell witch gender she or he is. wait a little while and time will tell! It will most likely be female.

    good luck!

  5. Well if the cere is white or pink then it is female, blue or purple is male. Itsounds like it's headed towards being a female, but it is still too young to be 100% for sure. I would wait a couple more weeks.

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