
Question about picking up paranormal sounds..?

by  |  earlier

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OK so, supposedly you have a tape recorder and ask questions then later on play it back and you might hear the "spirit" answer them. But how come, with these paranormal tv shows, the viewers can't hear any "ghost audio" from the video cameras (they're electrical devices that pick up sound). By the logic of the playing back the tape thing...the people at home should be able to hear the "ghost answers" before the investigators. Know what I mean?

<(BTW I'm just curious because this has been bugging me [I do believe in the paranormal thought])>




  1. To answer your question The EVP&#039;s can&#039;t be heard through normal sound equipment nor through a basic tape recorder. when looking for the EVP&#039;s the recorder is hooked up to an amplifier. This helps to locate places on the recording device to focus on. if you find a noise you isolate it then clean it up. sometimes the noise can be a very distant sound but recognizable as a motor running or a door shutting or something else. And yes sometimes voices.

  2. So, why do you believe in paranormal thought?

    Lots of people believe in the tooth fairy, but they grow out of it.


  3. they are supose to have special thing&#039;s like this one picks up colors of the aura around you ...some regular camera&#039;s pick up ghosts or white circle&#039;s that is a orb of a ghost depends there are so much out here ..regular recorders do not pick up emage&#039;s of ghost how can i explain this blue for cold or a certain number if cold spot so i&#039;d say depends on the recorder and what there doing

  4. EVPs, just good a good quailty recorder. If you can get a digital recorder it will make it easier to upload the data to your computer. As far as a good software to use for listening to it I do not know. The recorder is able to pick up sounds not audible to human hears.

  5. to scared to try but i have heard a few good 1&#039;s

  6. Good catch! The reason is because &quot;EVPs&quot; are usually just tiny recording artifacts, e.g., machine noise, white noise, perhaps some echo, etc., that are almost imperceptible. But if you scrutinize a recording especially using a computer (speed it up, slow it down, amplify the snot out of it, noise filter, frequency filter, etc.), you can find blips of sound that sort of sound like words through the power of suggestion. Note that when you amplify a sound sample, you amplify the noise along with the actual signal, so you may end up obsessing on mere noise. Your brain does a pattern match to the blob of sound you hear and it tries to match word and syllable patterns to it.

    So the short answer is because the supposed EVPs are not real voices from the beyond. They are tiny little blips of nebulous noise interpreted through the power of suggestion.

  7. EVP, I tried it a few years ago in a recording studio (to eliminate outside noise). Was creepy. About half a dozen of us then listened to the recording alone and made notes of what was heard. We all heard different things at different times through the recordings.

    Except for one thing, we all recorded hearing a child (most of us said a small girl) shouting-

    &quot;Stop! You don&#039;t ....... what ......doing!&quot;

    some of the guys thought the bits I left blank were &quot;know&quot; &amp; &quot;you are / you&#039;re&quot;

  8. Ok with being a part of a paranormal group I might be able to answer this for you.

    The reason that you can&#039;t hear it on &quot;camera&quot; is because it is live, and if it is truly an EVP you can&#039;t hear it with the naked ear. Upon playback you can be able to hear the phenomena, but most generally it has to be unedited. So yes you can possibly know before an investigator if there are EVP&#039;s but generally they don&#039;t want you to know before they review there evidence. Look at TAPS they edit so much of their footage that you probably couldn&#039;t catch it anyway!

    Let me give you an example:

    This past weekend my group did a live PPV with paranormal underworld at Ashmore Estates in South Eastern Illinois, and there was a clip that we were actually watching live as you would see it when watching it on camera, and there was nothing, and upon further review there  of the original tape was a voice a little girl saying HELP ME,  and that was unedited. So if someone recorded our investigation they would have known before us!

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