
Question about psychics..?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so if psychics have powers or watever, why do they have to ask wat your name is....

Shouldn't they already know it?




  1. because they're not really psychic?

  2. Why yes, yes they should.

  3. I knew you were going to say that

    More Peace

  4. Good one.

    James Randi has offered a million dollars to anyone that can prove psychic powers beyond that predicted by chance.

    And there is Fireball with another..."interesting" viewpoint.

  5. I thought you typed physics. what a let down.

  6. Sept 10 2001, a psychic could have made a lot of money if they had predicted what was to happen the following day.....yet, for all the hullabuloo surrounding their supposed powers, not a one of them, said a word. Hmmm, now that's odd.  Why weren't any psychics on hand to warn us of 9/11?

  7. its all smoke and mirrors, for the most part, i do believe however one can be touched by the divine and or posessed, but that is a different topic alltogether.

  8. Indeed. Further, if they have powers as they claim, why aren't they using some of those powers to win lotteries ? Then, they wouldn't have to charge fees for their services, as they'd already have more than enough.

    Its all a scam.  

  9. Yes they should. Psychics are a pile of hooey (for lack of a better non-profane descriptor.) Unfortunately, I also clicked on this because I thought it said "physics"...

  10. A psychic does not see/hear/know everything. They get impressions and intuitions. As do all people. As such they are able to pick up on what amounts to bits and pieces of information.

    People who believe that this ability comes from "Satan" are usually people steeped in fear that have been taught that to believe in something beyond what you can see is wrong. Yet many of them also believe in Jesus... which is something we can NOT see at the present.

    The bible is riddled with psychics. And before anyone starts saying (yeah, the one's God is saying are wrong" you need to reread your bible and notice that the holiest men in it are psychics.

    Nearly every religion and culture since the beginning of time has examples of psychics. Is it really so hard to believe that perhaps that huge unused part of our brain is actually there for a REASON? And if so, isn't it easy to imagine that perhaps that reason is additional senses?

  11. well, some only can tell certain things.  some can only read emotions. those people can not know your name.

  12. the only power they have comes from demons....its dangerous...dont mess with it...Satan doesnt know everything...but enough to know something about our lives if they watch us.

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