
Question about shoplifting.?

by  |  earlier

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Sunday night me, and 3 other girls stole from kohls' and we got caught. we were taken into this room and asked a bunch of information. We were in there from 9:05pm - 10:30pm. And the police also came and asked us personal information ( name, address etc.). Then they let our parents take us home. The person that caught us said we will receive something in the mail about how much money we have to give to kohls from shoplifting and that we have to go to court. I stole $136.00 worth of stuff. I only tried to steal 3 bras, 1 thong, 2 earrings, and a necklace. What do you think is going to happen.? Please help I'm really scared.

♥ Am I going to go to Juvi.?

♥ Do we all go to court together?

♥ Will I have to wear that thing on my ankle. (teather)

&& please no stupid answers.!(:




  1. Well it looks like you are a juvenile. so they made the police report and turned you over to your parents.

    In most cases you will not have to go to court at all. You (your parents) will have to pay Kohl's. it is up to their bosses what, they can charge you for the cost of detecting you and detaining you for the police, store loss prevention is a big expense that would not be needed if people like you did not steal.

    They will likely also include a form banning you from entering Kohl's again. If you do enter you can be arrested for trespassing.

    Les say you decide not to pay Kohl's and they do go to court. Your friends may not have go with you because they took care of things, if they didn't all will go at the same time for the first time to save the store agent time.. You will likely not have to go to juvi unless you have a record of violent crimes. You may have to do community service and stuff. You will not have to wear an ankle "tether".

  2. In the near future it will probably be very difficult for you to get a job especially working as a cashier or handling anyones money. You seem to have no remorse, I don't care if you stole a pack of gum, its wrong. I really can't stand thieves you have only made it difficult for yourself, guess I won't be seeing you in Kohls anytime soon. Too bad, so sad. You probably deserve worse than what you'll get.

  3. The punishment for this will depend a lot on how old you are, whether or not you have a criminal record, and a few other things.

    If this is your first offense, you will probably have a hefty fine to pay off, paired with a lot of community service hours. They sometimes make you reimburse them 2Xs the amount of merchandise you stole, and you will not be allowed back into the store.

    Hopefully you learned a good lesson.

  4. You need to go to jail

  5. I highly doubt it you will go to juvenille hall, but please think about your future next time, right now you will have a misdemeanor in your record.  Having a record will affect your life in the future when it comes to getting good jobs in your future.  Try to get this record erased as soon as possible, you might be throwing your future down the drain over something that's not worth it.  You will be missing out in life when it comes to applying to work for the government, or any profession that requires a criminal background check.  believe me it's not worth it.

  6. Every question about law breaking should specify what state you're writing from, the laws may differ.

    Your question suggests that you don't really appreciate the gravity of the situstion.  The likelihood is that Kohl's will file some civl complaint and ban you from their store.  The polcie will write up some misdemeanor case - that's a mid-level criminal case.  Generally, in NY, 1st offenders get their cases ACD'd (that is, adjourned for a year for you to show that you've stayed out of trouble, automatically dismissed if you were good).  Even so, what you have to wear and whom you go with are the least of your problems.  You've been arrested for a crime.  Remember all those HS jokes about your permanent record?  This is your permanent record.  

    Do you even understand why you stole?  Only 3 bras, a thong and some jewelry?  


    This forum seems infected with questions following the same basic pattern - I'm young - what can they do to me?  You are no different in age from many shoplifters, and if the retailers would overlook every teen who tried to walk out with "only" some stuff, they'd take some painful hit on the balance books, or make the rest of us it the cist by paying higher prices.

  7. Pink, in many areas $136 is considered a felony offense.  You don't seem to realize that, but I hope you will become aware of it now.

    What do you think would happen to our retail stores, if only 10% of their customers stole only $136 in goods?  They would go bankrupt, or have to raise their prices so high to cover these losses that you couldn't afford to shop there anymore.

    As it is now, a good percentage of the sales price is there to cover thieves like you.  So, you and your friends actions cost everyone who shop at those stores, including the poor and indigent who can barely make ends meet on their income.

    You will probably go before a Juvenile Court Judge who will ask you to explain your actions.  You need to experience the shame of this act, because I don't see any shame in your question.  What you did is not okay; you are not entitled to steal at the expense of others!!!

    I hope your parents demand that you pay for all these costs out of your own funds, it is a small price for you to pay for your actions.

    I can tell from your question that you have above-average intelligence.  You have the possibility of great success in the future if you don't s***w it up with dumb things like this.  Don't jeopardize you future for $136 or $1360 - it is so not worth it.  

  8. You ONLY tried to steal a FEW items?

    You don't see anything wrong with what you did?

    I used to sit in when store detectives interviewed female thieves, customers as well as employees. It never ceases to amaze me how casual thieves talk about stealing. The statements made by the young women were simply astonishing. In your case, I hear no remorse because you ONLY took stuff worth $136?

    Yes, you will have to go to juvenile court, you might go together. If it was a first offense you might get away with a slap on the wrist.

    You are now barred from entering any Kohl's store and will be arrested for trespassing should you try to enter.

    Ask yourself - was it worth it? Do you really want to ruin your future?

    Why did you steal and should you change your friends to stay out of trouble?

    I hope you learned a lesson and change your ways. Should you consider this a stupid answer, your appearance in Juvenile court will not be the last one!

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