
Question about smoking marijuana?

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Ive smoked marijuana twice so far. The first time was in a bowl, and i really didnt get high at all. But last night i smoked it through a bong and i got so so high. Soemthing weird happened, i started crying and being sad for no reason. Has this happened to anybody? But then i got even more high and it was like i could still talk but i wasnt aware of anything i was saying and i was sitting there holding a glass of milk (haha, because my throat was hurting me) and all of a sudden i just dropped it on our patio. It was like, the real me was watching myself underneath but i couldnt even focus on what was going on, yet at the same time i was so observant. Do you think i got so high because i didnt eat much yesterday? Is it always like that? I am a 16 year old female, and i dont know if that changes it? And please dont coach me on how marijuana is bad, im a smart girl, i just experimented a little bit, get over it. Thanks for your help=]




  1. "It was like, the real me was watching myself underneath but i couldnt even focus on what was going on"

    I know exactly what you're talking about; and you feel slow and like "Duhhh-hurrrrrr?!" I stopped smoking because it makes me feel tired, paranoid, and just makes me feel like NOT myself and I hate the feeling.

    If you have 'anxiety' it can increase it a lot so be careful, I've heard it can lead to mental illness.

    Yeah how much you ate could have had an affect, because when you have low blood sugar you feel worn out even when your not high, try eating then getting high its a much better experience :)  

  2. Many people do not get high the first time they smoke marijuana.  No idea why, but that's how it works.

    You get higher when you smoke with a bong because the water cools down the smoke and that allows you to inhale much more.

    Marijuana is psychoactive, and  what you describe is simply being really high.  If you don't like it, then stop.  Or if you want to continue to experiment but don't want to be that high, then smoke less.

  3. pot is not bad like people think.  i wish i could still get that high.  it is just because you are new to it, you will get used to it if you keep smoking.

  4. 1) Bong will always get you waaaaayyy more high then a bowl

    2)Throat will always hurt like a ***** when you start, that slowly becomes less..... Bongs still burn.

    3)if you don't like it stop

  5. you shouldnt be smoking stop while you can before the adiction

  6. Yeah, I 've had that same talking without being are of what you're saying effect. I'd say you smoked too much -- you don't have a tolerance since you don't use it regularly.

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