
Question about social issue?

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A Muslims perspective please.

What does Islam say about an unmarried girl/woman living on her own or moving away to another city for occupational reasons thus staying on her own without guardian/ mahram?

b) especially without the parents consent!

I always thought it wasn't allowed unless in certain circumstances.

The question is not based on myself!

Jazakallahu Khayran.




  1. I guess if you don't have a mahram then who do you ask to travel or move with . The Imam? I don't get it.

    Allah sees and hears all things. When we are alone Allah knows what is in our deepest heart and our deepest thoughts.

    In the case she does have family and is a WOMAN than she should speak about it to her family. If her family does provide her income then she should lean towards their decision.

    If her family does not or can not provide for her, which can be the case, then she should go what she has to do. This is my opinion. We are responsible for our own lives. I can't live my life for another human being and I don't suggest anyone else to do it either.

    This is though, depending on your country which is a whole'nother issue in itself. Islam is free not restricting.

    I guess this goes for a WOMAN who until she is 80 or something. What if she never has kids. Should she always live with her family.

    I don't think so.

  2. For a Muslim girl mahram is required!!

  3. The only thing that would prevent her from moving without a guardian is the cultural law, Islam itself has no problem with it: It's Saudi Arabia who makes up stuff like that.

  4. Parents consent is a blessing, so it is wise to get their permission.

  5. U r rite. Islaam does not allow it unfortunatly librel minded uslims who want to follow their nafs do. If a Muslim woman is not allowed to travel all alone with out a Mahram how can she be allowed to live on her  own for occupational reasons. It means she is the not abiding the rules of Allah to but to satisfy her Nafs nothing else .

  6. Well, I know many single Muslims (girls and guys) that go off to live on their own.  It usually is because of college or a great career opportunity.  No body where I live looks down on them, as far as I can tell.  They're not going away to behave badly, they're going away to become better.  The parents might feel like they want them to stay home since they miss them so much, but I think they understand that they are trying to live a better life so they aren't mad.  They're a few "bad apples" that run away to simply get away and that's never good.  Running away from problems never help.  It's better to face them and fix it.

  7. it would be better if you take your father or some one mehram with you

    if you  going to a city where  you think no one will harm you  or  will not try to make problems for you then go ahead it's nothing haram  or forbidden

  8. Forbidden no ifs & buts.

    A women isn’t even allowed to do a compulsory pilgrimage [hajj] if she hasn’t got a mahram

  9. Because seeking knowledge is mus

    Love me and everyon

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