
Question about special ed. programs?

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How come learning disabled students who have emotional difficulties are not placed with those who just have emotional difficulties? Wouldn't it save money to just put them together rather than have two separate programs? Is this common to have separate programs?




  1. There are classes for children with emotional difficulties and learning disabilities in most states. They are usually called Emotional/Behavior Disorders or something of that sort and a host of other names for the SLD kids such as Handicapped Learner, Intensive academics etc.

    EBD classes serve children who have a need for behavior management and social skills infused throughout the day. They may or may not have learning disabilities. SLD classes serve learners whose learning disabilities cause them to need modification of the learning materials to the degree that they cannot be taught in the regular classroom. As you can see the classes are quite different in their in their goals for kids.

    A child's label or disability does not drive placement. A child's priority need drives placement. For instance, a child might be labeled SLD (Learning Disabled) but his or her priority educational need is behavior management and social skills. That child WILL be placed in an EBD class.

    Likewise, a child labeled Emotionally Handicapped may not have any acting out behaviors and may have learning disabilities. In this case, the priority educational need may be modified instruction, in which case the child could be placed in a learning disabilities class.

    Needs based placement has really been a wonderful addition to special ed programs. It insures that the child gets what he or she needs rather than an automatic placement in a particular class based on the label.

  2. This would be a great question to ask the school board in your area or perhaps the special ed teachers assoc.  I think youll find its all economic.

  3. my son is in a special ed class that has kids with both learning disabilities and emotional/behavioral difficulties, it really depends on each school district, and where each child thrives most..these kids have it hard enough without people questioning if their classrooms are costing too much money.

    Also the seperate programs are geared towards the disability levels of the kids.. some are programs for kids who will probably never have much of a chance to live independantly, ie..non-verbal, lack of bladder/bowel control.

    the other is for kids who may someday have that ability, it's designed to give those kids the tools they need to one day make it in society.

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