
Question about tank cycling?

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Can you use a snail to start cycling a tank? Or do they not produce enough waste to make a differnece?




  1. Definitely go with the fish less cycling method  :)

  2. Yes, but they won't survive the process, and there needs to be a constant ammonia source for the cycle to continue.  They're very susceptible to poor water quality.  As mentioned, do a fishless cycle instead.

  3. A damsel is most commonly used but a snail will work, use a few of them.  It's more about what grows in your tank during the cycling period (at least 1 month) than what waste is put into it.  I usually use 1 damsel per 10 gallons.  Goes quicker.

  4. Snails breed like CrAzY! You do not want snails in your tank, you will have dozens before you know it. You cannot get rid of them because their eggs stick to everything, including the current fishies, plants, and decor. In order to get rid of snails you have to start completely over with new everything. One of my friends made that mistake.

  5. you can do a fishles cycle which is more human on the fish and usually quicker.

    instead of adding fish you can either use PLAIN unscented household amonia or simply by adding fish food daily.

    look up "fishles cycling"

    but if you realy wanted to you CAN use any animal that produces waste. that includes shrimp and snail.

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