
Question about teen car insurance?

by  |  earlier

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im about to be 16 and im currently taking drivers ed. i dont want to get my license until im about 18. i know that driver ed can lower ur insurance, so if i take drivers ed now and buy insurance when im 18, would the driver ed from 2 years ago help lower it?




  1. In most states, drivers ed counts until you are about 23. So, yes, it will lower your rates.  Some states don't require you have it to get your license at 18.  My state requires it to be licensed at 16 but not if you wait until 18.  So, the best thing for you to do is to get a driver training certificate, which you should be able to get from your instructor & save it for when you do get your license & insurance.  

    You will still probably be subject to an inexperienced operator charge, most companies in most states charge this no matter when you get your license (even if you are in your 30s!).

  2. Only certain certified Driver's Ed courses will count with an insurance company in this way, so regardless your best bet is to call your parents' insurance company (they all have different policies).  

    Keep your grades good and make sure you're super careful once you begin to drive, and your rates will quickly go down.  My insurance rates went down over 50% in the first year I was driving--I'm now down to about $70 a month, and I'm still only 17.

  3. Waiting until you are 18 will not help make your insurance cheaper.   It won't really help because when you turn 18 you will still have no driving experience.  It's the same as starting at 16.  The good thing about starting as soon as possible is that you get more driving experience under your belt, and the longer you go without an accident, the cheaper your rate will be.

  4. Ask the drivers Ed teacher?   I think it's good till you turn 21 though, but I am not an insurance agent

  5. Probably not! I haven't ever been asked if I have took drivers ed. on any form or quote I have ever completed and I have seen and designed a lot of them. Drivers ed. may save drivers money up to a certain age, this would be new to me. However, it should save students of the program money, this is a great class and offers superb experiences you can't get on your own. Driver's education is a requirement students or kids under age have to take in order to get their license before 18. I can't understand why you aren't going to get your license before your 18. Unless you are like my son and tell me that he isn't going to buy a play station 3 until the price drops even though he has the money now. That didn't work for him, I bet it won't work for you either. If you state allows you to get a license at 16 and you have took drivers ed. you should get your license. The only other reason you wouldn't be able to get a license if you dropped out of school or something like this. If this is the case, you should get a real education first and foremost. School should be one of the highest priorities in life for any teen. If you make great grades, then almost everything else will work itself out. If you are able to get a license you should get insured and stay covered from now on. This will help lower rates, continuous coverage with a good driving record.

  6. why would you want to wait until your 18 to get your license you dont have to go through drivers ed or training if you want it when your 18. I happen to think your stupid for wanting to wait

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