
Question about the disneyworld ride?

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ok so im going to disneyworld in florida soon and i was wondering how bad space mountain is there. I have gone on big thunder and i absolutely love it, but i dont want to go on splash mountain cause i know i wouldnt like that, and i have also gone on the mummy ride in universal, that was my first big roller coaster, and it was pretty terrifying, but i would probably do it again if i was pushed. So do you think i will enjoy space mountain?




  1. I LOVE it!! It goes soooooooooo fast and it's in the dark.  So cool!!  You will absolutely love it!!

  2. if you can handle all of those, space mountain will be a breeze. It is all in the dark and it just looks like you are flying through the can't see anything but stars going by. there are no drops like splash mountain (i was in the front row of that and it scared me to death, but it was soooooooooooo worth it, go on that one), and if you like rides like indiana jones and such, you will love it. It is a mild rollercoaster. It feels fast with quick turns and mild drops, but the fun is not knowing when anything is coming...i was scared to go on it at first (i dont like heights/drops at all), but i got dragged and it is now one of my favorite rides there. its is seriously one of the most fun rides ever. the music and everything is amazing. YOU WILL HAVE FUN!!!  GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AND ENJOY!!!!

    p.s. fastpass it if they let you so you don't have to wait in the long lines :)

  3. i will explain the ride to you. it has no loops ,corkscrews, and doesn't go backwards. it is kind of like big thunder mountain,except a little bit more exciting and isn't scarier than the mummy. there are three seats and there is a snug lap bar on you. the first drop is the biggest and isn't scary at all. also on some rides you feel butterflies in your stomach, but on this ride you don't.also this ride is in the dark and goes at 27 mph. also the ride is 2 minutes 35 seconds. if you want to have fun this is the ride for you,

  4. space mountain isnt scary at ALL. it just goes fast and it is in the dark.

  5. Space Mountain is a very fun ride, with lots of quick dips and turns.

    The best was to experience everything is to sit in the very last seat of the train, you get some pretty good airtime when the train goes down the drops.  Even though the drops aren't big, it's the fact that you don't know they're coming that really makes it fun.

    If you like Revenge of the Mummy and Big Thunder Mountain, you will love Space Mountain.

    One question though, how do you know you won't like Splash Mountain?  It is my favorite ride at Disney World, and should never be missed.

  6. Space mountain is NOTHING to be afraid of, its pretty fun, the only problem I had with it was, when you look closely you can see the beams and being a taller person I felt as tho I had to dunk to keep my head

  7. Space mountain is not really scary and doesn't go that fast it just seems to as you are in the dark - you'll love it.

    Shame you think you wouldn't like splash mountain as I really like this too and I'm not very brave!

    If you really like big roller coasters spend a day at Islands of Adventure while your in Orlando.

    Have a great time!!

  8. Space Mountain is fantastic, its like a huge light show with all the drops and what not. Its definitely fun without all the gigantic, scary drops.

    I'm afraid of heights, and I actually went on Splash Mountain only last year, and I loved it. The drop wasn't nearly as high as I thought it was, and the build up to it was fun. I recommend both. =D

  9. Space Mountain is fun, and there's definitely something to saying that you rode an icon of a roller coaster, but there are just a few aspects that might make you want to avoid riding it.  First, it's a pretty basic coaster if you're looking for high thrills - one row of seats, nothing too major for drops and dips - enough to get your pulse pumping a bit and laughter going, but nothing to make you really scream.  Second, it's very dark throughout the ride (of course, it was intended that way), which makes the turns that much tougher on your neck and back.  I found myself leaving the ride thinking more about how much my neck hurt (since I couldn't prepare myself for the whiplashing of tight turns) and less about the thrill of a potentially great ride.  This was my main objective to the ride - my body wasn't capable of preparing itself for tight, strenuous turns.  On the big upside, it was a pretty lengthy ride which has a few false endings so you'll be able to keep on enjoying what is basically a fun ride (minus the two negatives I mentioned).

    If you're looking for something to compare it to, the mummy isn't that great a comparison - it had many more "wow" factors to it, largely due to the great special effects and cool track features.

    If you're looking for better rides at the Disney parks, the two best throughout are the Rockin' Roller Coaster at MGM and Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom.  Both of those REALLY got my pulse pounding and kept me going back for more.

  10. oooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... it is sooo fun if you were brave enough to go on the mummy ride u can take splash mountain

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