
Question about the military???

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Well Im 24 years old, turning 25 next June, and just got my degree in Criminal Justice, and after 3 years I have yet to be hired on a PD force. I was thinking of joining the Coast Guard and wanted to do law enforcement with them. At 24 years old, will they still accept me? Will I have a shot at getting into LEO in the USCG?




  1. The CG will accept initial entry up to age 27.  

  2. a,

    With your degree, check with all the branches of service and see about a commission (being an officer) with your degree.

    Have you also checked federal law enforcement? Check Border Patrol, DEA, FBI, US Marshalls, Secret Service, etc.

    By the way, WA State Patrol is hiring.


  3. Consider becoming an officer. Here's a link to officer opportunities in the Coast Guard.

  4. With that degree, you would go farther in the civilian world than the military world. You wont make near as much money in the military that you would working for the state as a trooper, or as another form of law-enforcement officer.

  5. I am sure they will accept you. In the 20's, I think its acceptable.

  6. Of course they will accept you unless you have some dark background.  They always need MPs in the military but if you really want to join a police force then keep looking.  I'm sure there are police departments somewhere that need new officers.  Houston Texas is ALWAYS looking for new officers but they don't accept people who wear glasses.  I know, I tried to join some time ago but I wear glasses and they wouldn't accept me even when they were trying to get 600 new police recruits.

  7. Yes, the USCG will accept you, especially with your degree.

    My sister joined the military with a law degree and she's doing very well.  She moved up the ranks rather quickly, because she already had a degree.

    The salary is also very appealing.  Plus, after your term is served, you can choose to re-enlist, or apply for a federal job (i.e. CIA, FBI, etc.)  These agency's give preference to people with a military background.

    Good Luck!


  8. Have you ever watched the TV show "COPS"? Most of the officers are military veterans.

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