
Question about toddler supervision?

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First off please dont berate me for asking this question. I just wanted to know different peoples methods

And this is about 2 or 3 year olds, at home only

Do you always closely supervise your child?

Are they in the same room as you at all times?

Are you always looking directly at them the whole time?

Do you leave them alone at all?

When you are cooking what are the children doing?

When you are in the toilet what are they doing?




  1. My children are mostly playing out in the garden if the weather is nice, or they are in the back room with toys or the lounge or their bedroom. I couldnt watch them 24/7 it'd do my head in aswell as theirs.

    If im cooking, they're off playing or asking to help.

    Yes i leave them alone, they play pretty well together but they learn by themselves how to share, sort arguments and so on, if i was constantly watching id be constantly interfering.

    When i go to the toilet, they are off playing, they might call me to see where i am but thats it.

  2. my dd is almost3 yrs, most of the time i am in the same room as dd, she sometimes plays in her room on her own, she normally does this while i have a shower. i don't watch her continuously, she is fine playing by herself, for small periods of time.

    when i am doing dinner sometimes she may help, or plays outside, or in the lounge.

    she has always played well by herself, for short periods since about 3 mths, and i don't feel she needs constant watching.

  3. A lot of these answers depend a lot on the child. The first thing is that you need to make sure that if you do leave your child alone (playing or napping) that the space is childproofed.

    However, they don't need to always be in the same room as you. If you have a few completely safe rooms of the house, you can easily put up a gate and let your child run free in those spaces - this will give you a bit of peace (to shower, make dinner, go to the bathroom, etc) and give them the opportunity to play on their own and get their imagination going.

    This being said, you are obviously responsible for them wherever they are and whatever they are doing. You'll also find that you interacting with them is very important as well.

  4. I am always near my daughter but do leave her alone to play occassionally. Especially if I need to go upstairs to the toilet.

    If I am cooking or doing laundry in the kitchen, then she usually plays in the sitting room. But we are open plan with a stairgate up between so I can still watch her anyway.

    She is allowed to play in the garden alone as we have high fencing all around and locked gate at the back. But I will usually do the ironing  facing the window so I can still watch her.

    My daughter is 2 years old and though it is good that I obviously supervise her, she also needs time to become independant and learn to amuse herself

  5. Kids that age get into everything. So,  the only time that they are alone is at naptime and bedtime....I have baby monitors in the room. I try to make myself present in the same room with my child but if I'm cooking....I try to allow the kids to do art work at the kitchen table which is in my kitchen. As the child gets older, they get more freedom. I do my housechores when my children are napping....and, the house is childproof too because little kids can get away from you too. No parent is perfect....we do the best we can.

  6. Okay this is what I do.  I don't know about other people.  I don't always have eyes on my little girl, but I do always have my ears on her.  If I'm in the kitchen cooking I put on one of her TV shows and get to cooking if she comes in and wants to watch I pull up a chair and let her watch.  When I go to the bathroom she is usually following me and watching (which according to her doctor it is good to help her know what using the big girl toilet is like).  2 and 3 year olds are discovering their independence so you don't need to watch them all the time but like I said earlier always listen for her.

  7. my 3 yr old can open the front door- he knows not to on his own so he wont

    good question

    my kid is pretty good i can be in another room and he willbe drawing- by 3.5 he knows whta he can  and cant do

    when in a shower/ bathroom he is in the room next door.

    cookign - i get him to help with me.

  8. firstly as a parent i know how impossible it is to watch your child every minute of the day. i would have them in the same room as me, let's face they just can't be trusted, but of course i wouldn't have my eyes on them totally, turn my back to cook something but as i'm by the danger, eg hot oven, ring etc, it's ok. maybe have them at the table colouring or as long as you can hear them and check regularly, we all know when their quiet they're up to mischief. from i rem when they were small they used to follow me around all the time anyway espically the bathroom as they loved playing with the water, so we would do that or i'd have them near so they'd talk to me and that way i'd keep them occupied for the few mins i was busy, don't think i was being over the top, but my friend had a toddler the same age and he died in an accident in the home in a matter of mins so i was more aware than most what can happen. no-one is perfect or can be there constantly, just have to get on with life, don't want to smother them either. have to realise as parents no matter what we do someone else will have a problem with it so just get on with it and worry bout you and your family.

  9. I have a very small and open house, so my 2year old pretty much goes where he pleases.  I have a hall door that I can shut to keep him out of the bedrooms and the bathroom.  I don't watch him constantly, but I always kow where he is.  If he had his own bedroom, I would certainly let him play there by himself (but he shares a room with me:(.  As for when I'm in the toilet what is he doing-my kids ALL follow me in the bathroom every time!

  10. If they are roaming free, you have to be right there. If you have stuff to do, put them in a play pen or put a gate up and keep them in their room. Make sure their room is child proof completely first. If you are cooking put them in their high chair so they can watch. Put them in a walker if you are watching tv and put up gates so they can't leave that area. If you are napping put some pillows down on the floor and hold them tight.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  11. My twins will be 3 in August. They are always NEAR me, but I'm not always watching them. I am a single mom and I'd never get a thing done! I know some people frown on this, but I turn on Nogin and let them watch that if I need a little bit of time. They LOVE those shows (Dora, Max and Ruby, Oswald, etc). I'm lucky because my living room, dining room, and kitchen are all open to eachother. I have everything pretty much baby proofed though, and my suggestion is to baby proof one room REALLY well, and then gate it off. When they were little I put them in their high chairs right in the bathroom doorway so I could shower, but now I just have to get in and take one super fast lol. That's the only time they're left alone. If at all possible, take almost everything besides toys out of a room and let him/her use it as a playroom, or position your furniture in a way that it blocks windows and outlets, and take out all breakable things (lamps, etc.). Good luck!

  12. i have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old...i do supervise my children, but they are not always in the same room. When I shower or go to the restroom, they will be in the living room or in their room, just playing. I never leave them alone, they are always with me at home, or if I go to the store they come. When I cook they are most likely playing with their dad, or doing a craft, or watching a video. The play well with each other and I don't have to constantly sit and watch them.

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