I've debated alot with some vegan/vegeterian friends of mine, and online. They seem to be extremly pushy to a point they give me the impression they are trying to convert you in a cult. I've seen racist behavior, i've seen incredible insults etc.
However, this is where i think they are wrong :
A. Vegans need nutrition pills cause lack of dairy/meat shatters their nerve system which becomes irreversable. Plus those nutrition pills are made from animals as well, so.. isn't that ironic?
Plus if it was as healthy as they support, they wouldn't need nutrition pills.
B. A balanced diet is Weat/bread/dry beans (lentil and stuff) etc > vegetables/greens > dairy > meat (once a week) atleast that is what we were told at school, and that you can do without meat if you consume dairy.
Question : Why don't people do that diet? all 3 categories.
Why are vegans so eagar to convert everybody to a point of lecture and violence? i haven't seen a vegeterian being so violent, ever.